A general purpose blockchain programming library for .NET Standard 2.0.
The goal of the project is to be a useful library for creating blockchains for various purposes, outside of crypto-economics, i.e. no work proofs.
"White label" blockchains may be created using JSON definitions, such as:
"name": "MyChain",
"storageEngine": "sqlite",
"storageDirectory": "",
"genesisBlock": {
"timestamp": 1465154705,
"objects": [],
"previousHash": [ 0 ],
"hash": [ 223, 200, 53, 69, 156, 0, 241, 84, 112, 105, 230, 141, 19, 145, 92, 120, 96, 73, 218, 216, 195, 150, 243, 213, 69, 192, 77, 148, 75, 47, 111, 149 ]
"proofOfWork": "none",
"hash": [ 209, 47, 27, 131, 77, 179, 186, 26, 35, 127, 46, 150, 242, 141, 251, 47, 70, 14, 188, 126, 33, 176, 205, 113, 72, 50, 50, 139, 71, 9, 188, 181 ]
Initially based on an idiomatic port of https://github.com/conradoqg/naivecoin for .NET Core, licensed under Apache 2.0 License terms are available here: https://github.com/conradoqg/naivecoin/blob/master/LICENSE
This code relies on lib-sodium for cryptography: https://github.com/adamcaudill/libsodium-net, licensed under MIT. License terms are available here: https://github.com/adamcaudill/libsodium-net/blob/master/LICENSE
WarpWallet support uses self-contained SCrypt and PBKDF2 functions written by James F. Bellinger, licensed under MIT. License terms are available here: https://github.com/danielcrenna/ChainLib/blob/master/src/ChainLib.WarpWallet/Internal/SCrypt.cs