< AxieGov Data Hackathon >
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This project provides a simple golang cli tool that scans the blockchain for all AXS, WETH and SLP transfers in and out the Axie Treasury.
"from": "0xb1b165d6c53a69cc903109247da54045af7c08ab",
"to": "0x245db945c485b68fdc429e4f7085a1761aa4d45d",
"tokenAddress": "0x97a9107c1793bc407d6f527b77e7fff4d812bece",
"transactionHash": "0x29b2600116f30e280f1c6fd8ae6ac97124b04e102880d36d8570ad7a872cc158",
"value": 288197335793115211,
"block": 36097704
You need an API key from https://developer.skymavis.com/ to run this tool as well as access to the "Ronin Archive Node" service. Alternatively, you can use your own RPC URL.
First clone the repository.
go build -o hackathon main.go
go build -o hackathon.exe main.go
./hackathon -help or ./hackathon.exe -help
Usage of hackathon.exe:
-apikey string
SkyMavis RPC API key. Required if using default RPC URL
Disable ASCII cow
-rpc string
RPC URL (default "https://api-gateway.skymavis.com/rpc/archive")
-start int
Start block number (default 16377111)
The tool will output a json file with all the transactions in the Axie Treasury. The filename will be transfers_STARTBLOCK_ENDBLOCK.json