This is a sample module for the DPC 12 Zend Framework 2 workshop on building re-usable modules. The goals are:
- Demonstrate some principles to follow when writing modules
- Demonstrate a number of components, including the ServiceManager, InputFilter, Form, MVC, and Db.
This will not and should not be considered a fully-functional, full-featured module, though the basic functionality should work.
- PHP >= 5.3.3
- Zend Framework (current master)
- ZfcUser (current master)
Update your composer.json
"require": {
/* ... */
"phly/phly-peep": "dev-master"
and then run:
php composer.phar install
git submodule add git:// vendor/PhlyPeep
After installation, update your config/application.config.php
to add
"PhlyPeep" as a module.
Currently, PhlyPeep only ships with a schema for SQLite. You can import it using the following:
$> sqlite3 path/to/database < path/to/phly-peep/data/schema.sqlite.sql