A repository for installing Ceph and Rook on EKS
Instructions to setup the Cluster:
- run cd ClusterSetup/EKS
- run terraform init
- run terraform apply, it should list about 52 items and enter yes
- There will be some errors but thats alright. run ls to list all files, you should see a file like "kubeconfig_test-eks-XXXXXXX" where XXXXXXX is a random string
- We need to export our kubeconfig e.g. export KUBECONFIG=kubeconfig_test-eks-HeuUo1Vp and run terraform apply again.
- run terraform apply you should see a green blob of text if everything went well. EKS cluster is now up
- Execute kubectl create -f ~/Ceph_Rook_EKS/ClusterSetup/rook_ceph/common.yaml then create -f ~/Ceph_Rook_EKS/ClusterSetup/rook_ceph/operator.yaml then kubectl create -f ~/Ceph_Rook_EKS/ClusterSetup/rook_ceph/cluster-on-pvc.yaml
- Now ceph rook should be installed
- Follow https://zero-to-jupyterhub.readthedocs.io/en/latest/setup-jupyterhub/setup-jupyterhub.html to setup helm then add jupyterHUB to the cluster
Instructions to view the Ceph Dashboard:
- Run kubectl create -f ~/Ceph_Rook_EKS/ClusterSetup/rook_ceph/dashboard-ingress-https.yaml
- Register a domain name on namecheap
- On the aws console under Load Balancers there should be an A-record address. Add a cname record and use that address as the target for the domain name that was registered. Then if your domain name was http://www.abc.com open the address with your browser.
- Get login credentials for the Ceph dashboard by following the instructions here: https://rook.io/docs/rook/v1.3/ceph-dashboard.html