Shanghai Jiao Tong University
- Shanghai
A project for 3D multi-object tracking
This repo contains the official code for the paper 'Score refinement for confidence-based 3D multi-object tracking'
Detection and Tracking of Moving Objects (DATMO) using sensor_msgs/Lidar.
Exploring Simple 3D Multi-Object Tracking for Autonomous Driving (ICCV 2021)
"Improving 3D Object Detection with Channel-wise Transformer", ICCV2021 accept!
You Only Look Once for Panopitic Driving Perception.(MIR2022)
This repository is used for automatic calibration between high resolution LiDAR and camera in targetless scenes.
Implementation of "A Random Finite Set Approach for Dynamic Occupancy Grid Maps with Real-Time Application"
全中文注释.(The loss function of retinanet based on pytorch).(You can use it on one-stage detection task or classifical task, to solve data imbalance influence).用于one-stage目标检测算法,提升检测效果.你也可以在分类任务中使用该损失函…
A robust LiDAR Odometry and Mapping (LOAM) package for Livox-LiDAR
This is Pytorch re-implementation of our CVPR 2020 paper "Panoptic-DeepLab: A Simple, Strong, and Fast Baseline for Bottom-Up Panoptic Segmentation" (https://arxiv.org/abs/1911.10194)
Deep Learning for LiDAR Point Clouds in Autonomous Driving: A Review
A list of papers and datasets about point cloud analysis (processing)
Paperlist of awesome 3D detection methods
Curated List of Self-Driving Cars and Autonomous Vehicles Resources
Note for Apollo 3.0 perception, prediction and planning modules
Official Implementation in Pytorch and Tensorflow of 3D-MiniNet: Learning a 2D Representation from Point Clouds for Fast and Efficient 3D LIDAR Semantic Segmentation
🔥[IEEE TPAMI 2020] Deep Learning for 3D Point Clouds: A Survey
3D computer vision incuding SLAM,VSALM,Deep Learning,Structured light,Stereo,Three-dimensional reconstruction,Computer vision,Machine Learning and so on
OpenMMLab Detection Toolbox and Benchmark
Opencv4.0 with python (English&中文), and will keep the update ! 👊
上海交通大学 LaTeX 论文模板 | Shanghai Jiao Tong University LaTeX Thesis Template
A TensorFlow & Deep Learning online course I taught in 2016