AutoShot: A Short Video Dataset and State-of-the-Art Shot Boundary Detection - CVPR NAS 2023
A booklet on machine learning systems design with exercises. NOT the repo for the book "Designing Machine Learning Systems"
LeetCode 刷题攻略:200道经典题目刷题顺序,共60w字的详细图解,视频难点剖析,50余张思维导图,支持C++,Java,Python,Go,JavaScript等多语言版本,从此算法学习不再迷茫!🔥🔥 来看看,你会发现相见恨晚!🚀
wentaozhu / MONAI
Forked from wyli/MONAIAI Toolkit for Healthcare Imaging
wyli / MONAI
Forked from Project-MONAI/MONAIAI Toolkit for Healthcare Imaging
MICCAI20 Early Accepted "LAMP: Large Deep Nets with Automated Model Parallelism for Image Segmentation"
A collection of loss functions for medical image segmentation
Predictive Filter Flow for fully/self-supervised learning on various vision tasks
My everyday reading list about healthcare, AI, machine learning, deep learning, startup
AnatomyNet: Deep 3D Squeeze-and-excitation U-Nets for fast and fully automated whole-volume anatomical segmentation
MICCAI18 DeepEM: Deep 3D ConvNets with EM for Weakly Supervised Pulmonary Nodule Detection
Deep Learning Papers on Medical Image Analysis
WACV18 paper "DeepLung: Deep 3D Dual Path Nets for Automated Pulmonary Nodule Detection and Classification"
WACV18 paper "DeepLung: Deep 3D Dual Path Nets for Automated Pulmonary Nodule Detection and Classification"
Awesome paper list with code about generative adversarial nets
deep multi-instance learning for rna protein binding prediction
deep trans-layer PCA network and deep trans-layer denoising auto encoder network
The code is used for the Pattern Recognition Letters paper "Robust regression with extreme support vectors". There are kernel based ESVR and conventional ESVR respectively. Please cite it as "Zhu, …
IJCNN 2015 Hierarchical extreme learning machine for unsupervised representation learning
recurrent attention based on keras. Question Answering SQUAD dataset
Zhu, Wentao, Qi Lou, Yeeleng Scott Vang, and Xiaohui Xie. "Deep Multi-instance Networks with Sparse Label Assignment for Whole Mammogram Classification." MICCAI 2017.
Implementation of IJCAI15 cascade cnn and LSTM for protein secondary structure prediction
ISBI2018: Adversarial Deep Structural Networks for Mammographic Mass Segmentation