Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- Seattle WA
Columbia tropical cyclone HAZard model (CHAZ)
Python (3.8+) version of CLIMADA
Deep Neural Network based tropical cyclone intensity forecast model.
This repository contains implementations and illustrative code to accompany DeepMind publications
Code to create Stylized-ImageNet, a stylized version of standard ImageNet (ICLR 2019 Oral)
Pre-trained models, data, code & materials from the paper "ImageNet-trained CNNs are biased towards texture; increasing shape bias improves accuracy and robustness" (ICLR 2019 Oral)
Latex code for making neural networks diagrams
Code for some of my TensorFlow experiments
Code for finetuning AlexNet in TensorFlow >= 1.2rc0
Github mirror of https://gitlab.orfeo-toolbox.org/orfeotoolbox/otb
Optimization Examples with SigOpt
Most popular metrics used to evaluate object detection algorithms.
Summary of Array Methods in JavaScript
Summary of String Methods in JavaScript
This is Yueyue Qin's personal website, which includes her portfolio
This repo is collection of homework and class notes from each week's Kal Academy Data Structure and Algorithms Class