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Source code for the paper "A Cross-Domain Benchmark for Active Learning"

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A Cross Domain-Benchmark for Active Learning

This repository holds the source code for the NeurIPS 24 submission with the same name.
This work is available under the CC BY License


Python >= 3.10

Via pip:

  • torch
  • torchvision
  • gym
  • matplotlib
  • Pandas
  • scikit-learn
  • faiss-cpu
  • nltk (additional download for nltk.word_tokenize in News/TopV2 needed)
  • PyYAML
  • batchbald-redux
  • ray[tune] (Optional)

Quick Start

[Optional] Pre-download all datasets --data_folder <your_folder>
--data_folder sets the folder, where dataset files will be downloaded to
You can run an evaluation with --data_folder "<my_folder>" --agent <name> --dataset <name> --query_size <int>
Available Agents:

  • random
  • margin
  • entropy
  • coreset (CoreSet Greedy)
  • typiclust
  • bald
  • badge
  • coregcn
  • dsa
  • lsa

Available Datasets:

  • splice
  • dna
  • usps
  • cifar10
  • fashion_mnist
  • mnist
  • topv2
  • news


All generated results tables can be found in results/
macro_ tables are aggregated by domain
micro_ tables are per dataset


All graphics from the paper are generated via the two notebooks eval_plots.ipynb and other_plots.ipynb.

Parallel Runs

Parallelism is controlled by two parameters: run_id(default 1) and restarts(default 50)
This starts one run with seed 1 that sequentially executes the evaluation 50 times.
For full parallelism set restarts to 1 and execute 50 runs with increasing run_ids
This will automatically collect the results after each finished run and store it in <dataset>/<query_size>/<agent>/accuracies.csv

Here is an example how to run 6 seeded runs with three different levels of parallelism



Each dataset class needs to inherit from BaseDataset and implement a set of functions:

  • __init__(): Sets hyperparameters for this dataset:
    • data_file: name of the file that will hold the preprocessed data
    • cache_folder: location for downloaded and processed files
  • _download_data(): Automatically downloads the data source files into self.cache_folder, stores the data in self.x_train, self.y_train, self.x_test and self.y_test and normalizes self.x_train and self.x_test.
  • load_pretext_data(): Loads the version of the data that can be used for the pretext task, like SimCLR
  • get_pretext_transforms(): Returns PyTorch data transforms for pretext training
  • get_pretext_validation_transforms(): Returns PyTorch data transforms for pretext training
  • (optional) inject_config(): Can be used to force some properties in the config
  • (optional) get_meta_data(): can be overwritten to save some meta information that concerns the dataset, like the source or version


Each agent class needs to inherit from BaseAgent and implement a set of functions:

  • __init__(): sets hyperparameters for the agent, like a model-checkpoint or number of clusters, etc.
  • predict(state, x_unlabeled, ...): implements the forward pass of the agent. Receives the full state with all available information The agent computes its score and return the index/indices of x_unlabeled that are selected for labeling
  • (optional) inject_config(): Can be used to force some properties in the config, i.e. dropout for BALD
  • (optional) get_meta_data(): can be overwritten to save some meta information that concerns the agent, like the checkpoint or other hyperparameters

Run Scripts

The main run script is called
It implements the basic reinforcement learning flow and wraps the environment into a logging context manager:

with core.EnvironmentLogger(env, log_path, util.is_cluster) as env:
    done = False
    state = env.reset()
    iterations = math.ceil(env.env.budget / args.query_size)
    iterator = tqdm(range(iterations), miniters=2)
    for i in iterator:
        action = agent.predict(*state)
        state, reward, done, truncated, info = env.step(action)
        iterator.set_postfix({"accuracy": env.accuracies[1][-1]})
        if done or truncated:
            # triggered when sampling batch_size is >1

The run script will collect all intermediate results and aggregate them into one accuracies.csv and losses.csv per experiment.

Other Scripts

  • executes the greedy oracle algorithm or a dataset
  • uses the full dataset to compute the upper bound for a dataset
  • executes the pretext task for a dataset and saves a checkpoint for the encoder model
  • optimizes the hyperparameters for one of three tasks:
    1. Normal classification
    2. Embedded classification
    3. Pretext

Config Template

dataset: # general settings for un-encoded data
  budget: 10000
  classifier_fitting_mode: finetuning # finetuning or from_scratch
  initial_points_per_class: 100 # seed set size
  classifier_batch_size: 64 # batch size for training the classifier
  validation_split: 0.04 # size of the validation set in percentage

classifier: # classifier architecture for un-encoded data
  type: Resnet18

optimizer: # optimizer settings for un-encoded data
  type: NAdam
  lr: 0.001
  weight_decay: 0.0

dataset_embedded: # general settings for encoded data
  encoder_checkpoint: encoder_checkpoints/cifar10_27.03/model_seed1.pth.tar
  budget: 450
  classifier_fitting_mode: from_scratch
  initial_points_per_class: 1
  classifier_batch_size: 64

classifier_embedded: # classifier architecture for encoded data
#  type: MLP
#  hidden: [24, 12]
  type: Linear

optimizer_embedded: # optimizer settings for encoded data
  # Linear
  type: NAdam
  lr: 0.00171578341563099
  weight_decay: 2.38432342659786E-05
  # MLP
#  type: Adam
#  lr: 0.00422210204014432
#  weight_decay: 1.62121435184421E-08

# Settings for the Pretext Task (SimCLR)
# This is used for creating the encoder checkpoint that encodes the encoded data
  type: Resnet18
  feature_dim: 128

  type: SGD
  lr: 0.4
  nesterov: False
  weight_decay: 0.0001
  momentum: 0.9
  lr_scheduler: cosine
  lr_scheduler_decay: 0.1

  temperature: 0.1

  batch_size: 512
  epochs: 500


Source code for the paper "A Cross-Domain Benchmark for Active Learning"






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