check-json - Use Nagios / Icinga to monitor JSON endpoints
This plugin tests JSON API endpoints served over HTTP. It can check for the existence of keys or do simple checks against values in the JSON response.
Command line flags have been chosen to be compatible with the common Nagios check_http plugin. Pattern for JSON tests from Python JSON Check. This version allows regex test of string values and is a stand-alone binary.
Basic Usage:
check-json \
--key-exists=time --key-equals=date:2016
Response Check Options:
-e, --key-exists= Checks existence of these keys from JSON response
-q, --key-equals= A regex to check the value of specific key values from
JSON response
-l, --key-lte= Check the returned value is less than this for a JSON key
-g, --key-gte= Check the returned value is greater than this for a JSON
-d, --header-equals= Key=value checks for HTTP response headers (key:value)
-s, --status= Checks the numerical HTTP return status (eg. 200)
-r, --regexp= Checks the response body for a string using a regular
-v, --verbose Display extra details (eg. response bodies) for debugging
HTTP Options:
-H, --hostname= Web server to query
-u, --uri= URI to GET or POST (/)
-j, --method= HTTP method (eg. HEAD, OPTIONS, TRACE, PUT, DELETE) (GET)
-P, --post= Body of POST Request
-a, --authorization= Basic HTTP auth (username:password)
-S, --ssl Enforce SSL (false)
-k, --header= Key,value pairs to add as headers in HTTP request
(name:value format)
Help Options:
-h, --help Show this help message
Ensure you have go installed. On a mac you can use homebrew:
brew install go
Ensure your environment is setup correctly by putting vars in your .bashrc
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
Your GOHOME can be anywhere you choose.
Building is more painful than normal because it is not a public repo.
go build
Now Check that you have it installed OK:
check-json --help
check-json [OPTIONS]
Application Options:
Simple JSON key exists and regex against key value:
check-json \
--key-exists=time --key-equals=date:2016 --verbose
Simple check using SSL:
check-json --ssl \
--uri='/v2/venues/4e37bb6aa809a0c63b3882e8?client_id=AA...&client_secret=XX...&v=20150313' \
Check adding an authentication header:
check-json \
--uri=/v1/companies/domain/ --ssl \
--header="Authorization:Bearer sk_..." \
--key-equals="name:Clearbit" --verbose
- Nagios performance data
- Checks on load times (warning / critical)
- Integration tests