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Dollar Generators

Dollar Generators

Scaffolds for things we do everyday as devs. Skip the annoying stuff.

Some commands take in an ID, such as route or component ID. ID's are formatted as something/cool/my-component. These commands should always be run from project root.

npm i -g @dollarcode/dollar-generators

  • Generate an Express service (with TypeScript)
  • Scaffold Express route
  • Create React Native component (with TypeScript & test)
  • Create React component (without TypeScript)
  • Configure VS Code
  • Generate Docusaurus docs


option shortcut description
--path -p installation path (relative)

dg express my-project
Installs Express service with TypeScript. The above example would install in the directory ./my-project.

dg express my-project -p test
Installs Express in test directory. The above example would install in the directory ./tests/my-project.

dg express-route users/create-user
Scaffolds a route file to handle Express req and res. The above example would create the route file as ./src/routes/users/create-user.ts

React Native

dg rn cool/story/bro-component or dg react-native cool/story/bro-component Scaffolds out a React Native with TypeScript. Command must be ran from the root directory of your project src for all of the magic to happen properly.

The file structure matches the expectations and conventions of

Running the example command above with create the following files:

  • ./cool/story/bro-component/index.ts
  • ./cool/story/bro-component/bro-component.tsx
  • ./cool/story/bro-component/bro-component.spec.tsx
  • ./cool/story/bro-component/bro-component.composition.tsx
  • ./cool/story/bro-component/bro-component.constants.ts


dg cra project-name
Creates a React project using Create React App. Like CRA, this installs your project in a directory of the same name as the argument provided ("project-name" in the example above).

dg react my-component -p test/component
Creates React component without TypeScript

option shortcut description
--path -p installation path (relative)

Pass desired component name as second argument.

Docusaurus Docs

dg rn-doc cool/story/bro-component Generates doc file for React components that are using TypeScript. The generator assumes Docusaurus is installed in a docs directory right off project root. There is currently no config that allows the use of a different directory.

The doc generator also assumes you're following the naming convention outlined in the React Native section, which is to say you must have the following two files:

  • bro-component.tsx
  • bro-component.composition.tsx

If you're unfamiliar with the composition pattern, run the React Native command just to see the file structure and how the composition file is implemented and used in the spec file. As an added bonus, composition files help to self-document the code by clearly showing how the component should be used.

Configure VS Code

dg vscode
Creates a .vscode directory inside the current working directory.

After install, run the following to install Eslint dependencies:

npm i -D @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin @typescript-eslint/parser eslint-config-prettier eslint-plugin-mdx eslint-plugin-prettier

Test the Eslint configuration by running:

npx eslint .

Eslint will tell if there are any config issues or missing dependencies. Otherwise, it'll tell you which files have errors. Yay for red squigs!

These files are generated:

  • ./.vscode/extensions.json for recommending and blocking extensions
  • ./.vscode/launch.json to configure node and nodemon debugging
  • ./.vscode/settings.json configures VS Code settings, including auto-formatting
  • ./.vscode/spellright.dict dictionary for spellright
  • ./.eslintignore
  • ./.eslintrc

Alright, now lets talk about the settings. The settings provided are fairly opinionated in terms of linting and auto-formatting. You can obviously modify these rules however you see fit, but I felt the need to give you a heads up.

Good news, though – the Prettier config used for auto-formatting is completely stock (ie: default settings). The linting rules, however, are definitely to my personal taste.

More generators coming soon! Be sure to update frequently for all the latest generators and features.