slurper.vim was written as a companion to the slurper gem ( The slurper gem allows you compose stories in a plain text file and then slurp them into Pivotal Tracker through the api in bulk. You will need to install the slurper gem for slurper.vim to be of much use.
slurper.vim turns on spell check and provides macros for generating story templates in the correct format to speed up your story writing even further. It also provides basic syntax highlighting for .slurper files.
If you find slurper.vim useful or have suggestions please let me know. Constructive input is greatly appreciated.
Download the packaged file from extract and copy the slurper.vim files into their corresponding folders within your .vim directory.
Alternately my preferred method of installing vim plugins is to use Tim Pope’s pathogen.vim plugin ( and git clone plugins into my ~/.vimbundles directory.
CTRL-h generates a new chore and puts you in insert mode on the name line.
== story_type: chore name: description: labels:
CTRL-j generates a new feature and puts you in insert mode on the name line.
== story_type: feature name: description: In order to As a I want - labels:
CTRL-k generates a new release and puts you in insert mode on the name line.
== story_type: release name: description: labels:
CTRL-l generates a new bug and puts you in insert mode on the name line.
== story_type: bug name: description: labels:
The macros work the same in insert or edit modes.
Fork the project.
Make your feature addition or bug fix.
Send me a pull request.