This Ruby on Rails plugin provides a handful of view helpers for displaying gravatars (globally-recognized avatars).
Gravatars allow users to configure an avatar to go with their email address at a central location: Gravatar-aware websites (such as yours) can then look up and display each user’s preferred avatar, without having to handle avatar management. The user gets the benefit of not having to set up an avatar for each site that they post on.
cd ~/my-rails-app rails plugin install git://
If you represent your users with a model that has an email
method (typical for most rails authentication setups), then you can simply use this method in your views:
<%= gravatar_for @user %>
This will be replaced with the full HTML img
tag necessary for displaying that user’s gravatar.
Other helpers are documented under GravatarHelper::PublicMethods.
Thank you to the many people who have contributed features and bug fixes:
The following people have also written gravatar-related Ruby libraries:
Scott Woods West Arete
Add specs for ssl support
Finish rdoc documentation