kickstart.nvim Public
Forked from nvim-lua/kickstart.nvimA launch point for your personal nvim configuration
Lua MIT License UpdatedJun 3, 2024 -
leaflet-gpx Public
Forked from mpetazzoni/leaflet-gpxA GPX track plugin for Leaflet.js
JavaScript BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedJul 26, 2022 -
datepicker Public
Forked from fengyuanchen/datepickerA simple jQuery datepicker plugin.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedAug 25, 2018 -
audio-analysis Public
Recording audio analysis from Essentia and displaying the recording as graphs
C++ UpdatedFeb 21, 2017 -
easywsclient Public
Forked from dhbaird/easywsclientA short and sweet WebSocket client for C++
C++ MIT License UpdatedOct 10, 2016 -
servo-ctc Public
A simple test to see how hard it is to write a servo driver using an 8-bit timer/counter on the AtTiny85 AVR Microcontroller
C UpdatedNov 12, 2015 -
autobahn-android Public
Forked from crossbario/autobahn-javaWebSocket & WAMP in Java for Android
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 20, 2015 -
ofxGstRTP Public
Forked from arturoc/ofxGstRTPAddon for sending video, audio, depth and osc to a remote peer using RTP. It can also use ofxXMPP to initiate the session through google talk, jabber or any other xmpp compatible server so you don'…
C++ UpdatedFeb 17, 2015 -
ir-ctc-mode Public
IR Transmitter for the AtTiny85 using Timer0 in CTC mode to generate a Canon DLSR remote IR pulse.
mini-dotmatrix Public
Arduino code for multiplexing with a Shift Register 74hc595
C++ MIT License UpdatedOct 27, 2014 -
ableton-leap Public
Controlling Ableton Live using OSC messages via a Leap Motion controller
bearded-bear Public
A stub OpenFrameworks + Leap Motion application
osccontroller Public
OSC Controller class to use with LiveOSC + Ableton + OpenFrameworks
C++ Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJun 25, 2014 -
lpmt Public
Forked from hvfrancesco/lpmtlittle projection mapping tool
C++ GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedApr 10, 2014 -
shiny-batman Public
A scaffold playground app for writing OpenGL 330 code and testing OpenNI2 SDK
C++ UpdatedJan 3, 2014 -
Toolkit Public
A Toolkit for Flash development sporting a core Component architecture with easy skinning.
Toolkit-Components Public
Components created using the toolkit