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Algorithm for automatically building pedigrees using IBD, Age, and Sex information.

Installation and testing

To install:

python install

To test:

make test


To build a tree for a group of related individuals:

from bonsaitree import bonsai

result = bonsai.build_pedigree(ibd_seg_list, bio_info, focal_id=None)


The required inputs to Bonsai are listed below. Additional parameters can be specified by the user. See Additional Bonsai Parameters.

  • ibd_seg_list: (List of lists) A list of IBD segments of the form [[id1, id2, chrom, start, end, is_full, seg_cm]], where the elements are of the following types:
    • id,id2: (int) IDs of the individuals sharing the segment.
    • chrom: (string) Chromosome on which the segment is found.
    • start: (float) Physical start position of the segment.
    • end: (float) Physical end position of the segment.
    • is_full: (bool) Indicates whether the segment is half (IBD1) or full (IBD2).
    • seg_cm: (float) Length of the segment in centimorgans.
  • bio_info: (List of dicts) A list of dicts containing sex and age information for genotyped individuals. bio_info has the form [{'genotype_id' : int, 'sex' : 'M'/'F', 'age' : int}].
  • focal_id: (Optional, int) To force the pedigree builder to start with a specified individual. Pedigrees can be different if they use different starting individuals. This ensures that the individual of interest is placed and it can improve the estimated relationships between them and their close relatives.


The output of bonsai is a dictionary containing a variety of information about the pedigree. Keys of the dictionary are as follows:

  • normed_pedigree: (dict) A dictionary representing the topology of the pedigree presented in a normalized form so that each node has two filled-in parents, the focal id has nodes filled in up to great grandparents, unknown sexes of spouses are imputed if the sex of the other spouse is known, leaf nodes are deleted if they are unrelated to the focal individual, and sexes of parents are ordered with the mother listed first (if sex is known). normed_pedigree has the form normed_pedigree = {child_id : [sex, parent1, parent2]}.

  • ped_obj: (instance of the PedigreeObject class) ped_obj has attributes that include the inferred pedigree topology, inferred pairwise relationships, the pedigree log likelihood, etc. It contains methods for modifying a pedigree, adding or removing individuals, getting ancestors or descendants of a node, finding common ancestors of a set of nodes, etc. Use dir(ped_obj) for a full list of attributes and ped_obj.attribute? to see information about attribute. Some of the most common attributes are below:

    • up_dict: (dict) Stores the topology of the inferred pedigree. Has the form {child_id : [child_sex, child_age, parent1_id, parent2_id]}.

    • down_dict: (dict) Stores the topology of the inferred pedigree. Has the form {parent_id : [parent_sex, parent_age, child1_id, child2_id, ...]}.

    • all_ids: (list) List of all ids in the pedigree.

    • ibd_stats: (dict) Dict with keys of the form frozenset({id1, id2}) and values giving summary statistics of the ibd sharing between the pair.

    • rel_dict: (dict) Dict of the form dict[id] = {'anc' : <Set of ancestor ids>, 'desc' : <Set of descendant ids>, 'rel' : <Set of relatives who are neither direct descendants nor ancestors>}.

    • rels: (dict) Nested dict of the form dict[id1][id2] = deg, where deg is a three-element tuple representing the relationship between id1 and id2. Deg is of the form deg = (num_up, num_down, num_anc), where num_up is the number of meioses separating id1 from its common ancestor(s) with id2. num_down is the number of meioses separating id2 from its common ancestor(s) with id1. num_anc is the number of common ancestors shared between id1 and id2.

    • pairwise_log_likelihoods: (dict) Nested dict of the form dict[id1][id1] = log_like, where log_like is the pairwise log likelihood of the relationship between id and id2 based on IBD sharing and age.

    • get_connecting_path_set: (method) Find all ancestors on the path connecting two related nodes (id1 and id2).

      • Usage: path_set = ped_obj.get_connecting_path_set(id1, id2).
    • is_founder: (method) Return a bool describing whether individual id is a pedigree founder.

      • Usage: ped_obj.is_founder(id).
    • is_leaf: (method) Return a bool describing whether individual id is a leaf node.

      • Usage: ped_obj.is_leaf(id).
    • keep_nodes: (method) For a set of node ids S, remove all nodes that are not in S, or which don't lie on a path connecting some pair in this set. The optional boolean parameter include_parents retains all parents of nodes in S, even if they don't lie on a path connecting two nodes in S.

      • Usage: ped_obj.keep_nodes({id1, id2, ...}, include_parents=False).
    • order_sexes: (method) Order sexes of parent ids in ped_obj.up_dict so that the maternal id (if known) appears first and the paternal id appears second.

      • Usage: ped_obj.order_sexes().


  • If there are twins or duplicated individuals (with different ids) in the input data, the pedigree in ped_obj only places one such individual and sets the others to the side. These unplaced twins are added back in the normed_pedigree dictionary, or they can be accessed using result['twin_dict'], which is a dictionary mapping the placed twin id to all of its twin ids.

Additional Bonsai Parameters

  • seed_pedigree_list
    • default = ()
    • optional ist of seed pedigrees to use as starting points for building the pedigree.
  • validated_node_set_list
    • default = ()
    • optional list of validated nodes. Only specify this if you have specified seed_pedigree_list. All other nodes will be removed from pedigrees in seed_pedigree_list before using these pedigrees as sarting points for new pedigrees.
  • ignore_validated
    • default = True
    • set to False to use seed pedigrees and validated nodes. Makes it possible build from scratch when using input data that contains seed pedigrees.
  • disallow_distant_half_rels
    • default = True
    • do not place relatives more distant than first cousin through a single common ancestor.
  • max_radius
    • default = float('inf')
    • Bonsai first infers small pedigrees and then assembles them together. max_radius is the degree from the focal individual used to seed each small pedigree to their most distant placed relative before combining small pedigrees together.
  • max_add_degree
    • default = 4
    • when building each small pedigree, stop adding individuals when no unplaced individual has a placed relative with degree <= max_add_degree.
  • min_rel_append_types
    • default = 1
    • when buiding each small pedigree, try to place each new individual in all ways consistent with at least the top min_rel_append_types most likely point-predicted relationships with their closest relative.
  • max_rel_append_types
    • default = 3
    • when building each small pedigree, try to place each new individual in all ways consistent with at most the top max_rel_append_types most likely point-predicted relationships with their closest relative.
  • ibd_threshold
    • default = 0
    • remove all ibd segments shorter than ibd_threshold. Ignored if ibd_threshold=0.
  • remove_distant_threshold
    • default = 8
    • remove all placed genotyped individuals if their degree (a,b,c) to the focal individual satisfies b > remove_distant_threshold.
  • ped_save_like_abs_fraction
    • default = 0.01
    • when building small pedigrees one person at a time, Bonsai must decide how many different alternate pedigrees to keep around after each person is added. Retaining fewer alternate pedigrees makes Bonsai faster, but performs a less thorough search of the pedigree space. The ped_save_like_abs_fraction parameter is one of two parameters controling how many pedigrees are retained at each step. Let p^1, p^2, ..., p^K denote K alternate pedigrees at a given step, ordered in likelihood from most to least likely. If, for the kth pedigree, L(p^(k)) >= L(p^(1)) * ped_save_like_abs_fraction, we retain it.
  • ped_save_like_delta_fraction
    • default = 0.001
    • when building small pedigrees one person at a time, Bonsai must decide how many different alternate pedigrees to keep around after each person is added. Retaining fewer alternate pedigrees makes Bonsai faster, but performs a less thorough search of the pedigree space. The ped_save_like_delta_fraction parameter is one of two parameters controling how many pedigrees are retained at each step. Let p^1, p^2, ..., p^K denote K alternate pedigrees at a given step, ordered in likelihood from most to least likely. If, for the kth pedigree, L(p^(k)) >= L(p^(k-1)) * ped_save_like_delta_fraction, we retain it.
  • num_small_ped_objs_to_save
    • default = 10
    • when building small pedigrees, retain at most num_small_ped_objs_to_save pedigrees, subject to the constraints of ped_save_like_abs_fraction and ped_save_like_delta_fraction.
  • drop_ibd_alpha
    • default = 1e-4
    • p-value threshold for hypothesis test for dropping background IBD.


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  • Python 99.8%
  • Makefile 0.2%