Visualize your redis instances, analyze query patterns and spikes.
Install Dependencies
- tornado
pip install tornado
- [] (
pip install redis
Get RedisLive
- Clone the repo
git clone
, or download the latest release
- edit redis-live.conf and update the value of the key
to the redis instances you want to monitor. You can monitor multiple instances by appending more values to the RedisServers list.
Start RedisLive
- start the monitoring script
./ --duration=120
duration is in seconds (see caveat) - start the webserver
- RedisLive is now running @
Currently the only hook into monitoring a redis instance is Redis MONITOR command, which streams back every command processed and reduces the throughput of the redis instance. It is recommended to run redis-monitor with --duration suitable for your redis deployment and scheduling it to run periodically as a cron job.
Have feedback, feature request or improvements you'd like to see? Drop me a note @nkrode or just fork and send a pull request :-)
Nitin Kumar
RedisLive is released under the MIT license: