Just a silly mixing of Twitch Bot on Docker. Proudly and poorly made in Python with Claude.ai.
- Channel selector
- Message inputer with Twitch-style preview
- Time delayer
- Bot enabler
- Live status monitoring
- Follow status check
- Ban detection
- Authentication system
- Caching system for API calls
- Dark/Light theme toggle
- Real-time message preview with Twitch chat style
- Status indicators (Live, Follow, Ban)
- A Twitch access token
- Docker
- An already followed channel from the bot
Clone the repository.
Fill the .env
file with your needs, helpful table is available below.
Name | Description/Value |
TWITCH_TOKEN | oauth:<access_token> |
CLIENT_ID | Your Twitch application client ID |
TWITCH_CHANNEL | Default channel to chat to |
DEFAULT_MESSAGE | Hello world |
DEFAULT_INTERVAL | Between 1 to 60 (min) |
BOT_ACTIVE | false (default) / true |
API_USERNAME | Username for web interface (default: admin) |
API_PASSWORD | Password for web interface (default: password) |
CACHE_EXPIRY | Cache duration in seconds (default: 300) |
image: ghcr.io/whit3str/twocker:latest
- "8000:8000"
env_file: .env
Run the following command within the cloned repository docker-compose up -d
and head to http://localhost:8000.
The application includes basic authentication:
- Username/password authentication for the web interface
- Secure session management
- Rate limiting for API calls