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Open source, web-based music player for the cloud. [hn]


CloudTunes provides a unified interface for music stored in the cloud (YouTube, Dropbox, etc.) and integrates with, Facebook, and Musicbrainz for metadata, discovery, and social experience. It is similar to services like Spotify, except instead of local tracks and the fixed Spotify catalog, CloudTunes uses your files stored in Dropbox and music videos on YouTube.

screenshot screenshot screenshot

The Story

CloudTunes is a side project of @jakubroztocil who is a bit of a music nerd and who likes to build stuff. In 2012 he decided to create an iTunes-like webapp to make music stored all over the cloud easily discoverable and accessible: hence CloudTunes.

One of the goals was to experiment with a bunch of new technologies as well. Later the side-project has been largely abandoned due to other more pressing projects. In the autumn of 2014 CloudTunes has been open-sourced "as is" (i.e. alpha quality, lack of polish, tests and docs).


The architecture consist of a server and client component. Those two are decoupled and communicate via a JSON REST API and a WebSocket connection:

Web and WebSocket server, worker processes. Written in Python, uses Tornado, Celery, Mongo DB, MongoEngine, Redis.

Single-page app. Written in CoffeeScript and Sass, uses Brunch, Backbone.js, SocketIO, Handlebars, Compass, SoundManager.


Discographies & Entire Albums

Find and stream entire albums from YouTube.

screenshot screenshot screenshot screenshot

Any album or track you like can be added to your collection or any of your playlists.


Dropbox Integration

Access and stream music that you already have in Dropbox from any computer. Fast indexing and realtime updates.




Organise your collection with playlists. Drag and drop tracks and albums on a playlist to add them. You can create playlists containing both tracks from your Dropbox and music videos from YouTube.

screenshot screenshot Support

Scrobble and play your personalised recommendations.

screenshot screenshot


Notifications Notifications Notifications




  • Drag and drop
  • Keyboard shortcuts
  • Browse view
  • Sorting, resizing
  • Support for 10s of 1000s of tracks in collection


Clone this repository:

$ git clone [email protected]:jakubroztocil/cloudtunes.git
$ cd cloudtunes

Without Docker

Continue by following the instructions in:

With Docker

The easiest way to run CloudTunes is in an isolated Docker container. Like this, the only thing you need to install on your system directly is Docker (or boot2docker) itself.

Please follow the installation instructions on how to install Docker (or boot2docker) on your system.

  1. Build a Docker image according to Dockerfile and named cloudtunes-img. This will take a long time when run for the first time:
$ docker build --tag=cloudtunes-img .
  1. Verify the image has been created:
$ docker images
REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             VIRTUAL SIZE
cloudtunes-img      latest              e1bcb48ab148        About an hour ago   995.1 MB
  1. Create a new container named cloudtunes from the cloudtunes-img image and run the app in it:
$ docker run --name=cloudtunes --publish=8000:8000  --detach --tty cloudtunes-img
  1. Verify the container is running:
$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                   COMMAND                CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                    NAMES
564cc245e6dd        cloudtunes-img:latest   "supervisord --nodae   52 minutes ago      Up 2 minutes>8000/tcp   cloudtunes
  1. Now CloudTunes should be running in the Docker container on port 8000. The full URL depends on the method you used to install Docker:
  • If you have installed Docker directly on your system, the full URL will simply be: http://localhost:8000/
  • If you have used boot2docker, then run $ boot2docker ip to find out the IP address under which the app is available, and the full URL will be http://<boot2docker IP>:8000/

To stop the app (Docker container), run:

$ docker stop cloudtunes

To start it again, run:

$ docker start cloudtunes

All data will persist until you delete the container.

If you make any changes to the codebase or configuration, or simply want to start from scratch, run the following commands to delete the existing container (this will also delete all user data in it):

$ docker stop cloudtunes
$ docker rm cloudtunes

And then start again from step 1.


BSD. See LICENCE for more details.


Jakub Roztočil


Web-based music player for the cloud ☁️ 🎶







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