Ultra-lightweight human body posture key point CNN model. ModelSize:2.3MB HUAWEI P40 NCNN benchmark: 6ms/img,
MobileNetV2-YoloV3-Nano: 0.5BFlops 3MB HUAWEI P40: 6ms/img, YoloFace-500k:0.1Bflops 420KB:fire::fire::fire:
⚡ Based on yolo's ultra-lightweight universal target detection algorithm, the calculation amount is only 250mflops, the ncnn model size is only 666kb, the Raspberry Pi 3b can run up to 15fps+, and …
This client-project is written for kbengine(a MMOG engine of server)
The Pokemon Go Bot, baking with community.
A webhook listener and database schema for doing geospatial analysis and advanced analytics on Pokemon Go data.
The biggest Pokemon Go Bot in history. Good Bye!
KlayGE is a cross-platform open source game engine with plugin-based architecture.
Rails app for tracking trends in server logs - powered by the Cloudera Hadoop Distribution on EC2
TinyXML2 is a simple, small, efficient, C++ XML parser that can be easily integrated into other programs.
Sharing many well-known companies' Interview questions during my preparation for job. These companies include Microsoft, alibaba, baidu, tecent, sogou, 360, youku and so on. Most interview question…
A movie recommendation system given by user data, movie data and social data...
dgorissen / coursera-dl
Forked from abhirama/coursera-downloadA script for downloading course material (video's, pdfs, quizzes, etc) from
Script for downloading videos and naming them.
Native node.js Excel file parser. Only supports xlsx for now.