An interactive map for users to track how many of the 58 National Parks they have visited.
A live demo of this app under construction can be found here.
- Display all 58 National Parks as located dots within their home state in US Map view, regardless of user login state
- Allow users to log in to view their personal visit history
- Record park as visited when clicked by user
- When all parks in a state have been visited, permanently change the color of that state to indicate that they have "cross it off their list"
- When all National Parks have been visited, change color of all states and display some celebratory message
- Install dependencies:
-npm install
- Start server:
-npm start
- In browser, navigate to: http://localhost:3000
- Add National Park location dots to map
- Make National Park locations clickable and change color to indicate when visited
- Keep track of parks list and visited locations + times in DB
- Provide optional list view for user
- Make list view sortable by visited status
- Create OAuth to store different users' National Park visit records
- In list view, make park names link to their official site
- Allow user to search for specific park
- Write tests! (This really should have been the first thing I did).
- Add location name to tooltip on hover
- Make National Park location markers clickable and change color to indicate when visited
- Keep track of parks list and visited locations + times
- rovide optional list view for user
- Make sidebar list view sortable by visited status
- Create OAuth to store different users' National Park visit records