A .NET wrapper for Google Cloud Print API. This library is based on .NET standard 1.4, can be run on .NET Core, .NET Framework, Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android & Universal Windows Platform.
- Allows printer registration to Google Cloud
- Allows printer manipulation on Google Cloud
- Allows printer search on Google Cloud (Thanks to @elacy for providing the search implementation)
- Allows job retrieval from Google Cloud
- Allows printer sharing to Google Accounts
- Allows subscribing to new job notification from Google Cloud (Thanks to @Jezternz for providing the xmpp implementation)
- Allows job submission to Google Cloud (Thanks to @elacy for providing the submission implementation)
- .NET Core 1.0
- .NET framework 4.6.1 or above
- Xamarin.iOS
- Xamarin.Android
- Universal Windows Platform
You can find the package through Nuget
PM> Install-Package GoogleCloudPrintApi
Printer Management
Job Management
// Add the following statement on top of the file
using GoogleCloudPrintApi;
var provider = new GoogleCloudPrintOAuth2Provider(clientId, clientSecret);
// You should have your redirect uri here if your app is a server application, o.w. leaving blank is ok
var url = provider.BuildAuthorizationUrl(redirectUri);
/* Your method to retrieve authorization code from the above url */
var token = await provider.GenerateRefreshTokenAsync(authorizationCode, redirectUri);
var client = new GoogleCloudPrintClient(provider, token);
// You can also subscribe to the OnTokenUpdated event for token update notification
client.OnTokenUpdated += (sender, e) =>
// Do what you want with the updated token (Save the new token/ log, etc.)
// You can subscibe to job notification by the following steps
client.OnIncomingPrintJobs += (sender, e) => Console.WriteLine(e.PrinterId);
await client.InitXmppAsync(<Your xmppJid here, e.g. 'admin' for '[email protected]'>);
// Also, you can terminate the subscription by using the StopXmppAndCleanUp method
var request = new RegisterRequest
Name = name,
Proxy = proxy,
Capabilities = capabilities,
UseCdd = true // If you're using the old xps format, you should ignore this property. o.w. it's required to set true. For more info on cdd format, please refer to "Create Cloud Device Description (CDD) for printer registration" topic
var response = await client.RegisterPrinterAsync(request);
var request = new ListRequest { Proxy = proxy };
var response = await client.ListPrinterAsync(request);
var request = new PrinterRequest { PrinterId = printerId };
var response = await client.GetPrinterAsync(request);
var request = new UpdateRequest
PrinterId = printerId,
Name = nameToUpdate
var response = await client.UpdatePrinterAsync(request);
var request = new DeleteRequest { PrinterId = printerId };
var response = await client.DeletePrinterAsync(request);
// ^recent for recent used printers, ^own for printer owned by, ^shared for printer shared with user
var request = new SearchRequest { Q = "^recent" };
var response = await client.SearchPrinterAsync(request);
// Retrieve printed job list
var fetchRequest = new FetchRequest { PrinterId = printerId };
var fetchResponse = await client.FetchJobAsync(fetchRequest);
var printJobs = fetchResponse.Jobs;
// Select a printed job
var printJob = printJobs.ElementAt(i);
// Download and process ticket for the printed job
// For printer with XPS capabilities
var ticket = await client.GetTicketAsync(printJob.TicketUrl, proxy);
// For printer with CDD capabilities
var request = new TicketRequest
JobId = printJob.Id
var ticket = await client.GetCloudJobTicketAsync(request);
/* Your method to process the ticket */
// Download and save the document (in pdf format) for the printed job
using (var documentStream = await client.GetDocumentAsync(printJob.FileUrl, proxy))
using (var fs = File.Create(/* Your path for the document */))
// Notify Google the printed job has completed processing
var controlRequest = new ControlRequest
JobId = printJob.Id,
Status = Models.Job.LegacyJobStatus.DONE
var controlResponse = await client.UpdateJobStatusAsync(controlRequest);
/* Please notice that the FetchJobAsync call will behave as follows:
1. If the printer does not exist in Google Cloud, throws "No print job available on specified printer." exception
2. If there is no print job in the queue, throws "No print job available on specified printer." exception
3. If there is job available in the queue, returns the job list.
If you'd like to distinguish the difference between case 1 & 2, you'd be better off calling GetPrinterAsync before this method. It will throw you "The printer is not found" exception if the printer does not exist.
// Create a cloud job ticket first, it contains the printer setting of the document
var cjt = new CloudJobTicket
Print = new PrintTicketSection
Color = new ColorTicketItem { Type = Color.Type.STANDARD_MONOCHROME },
Duplex = new DuplexTicketItem { Type = Duplex.Type.LONG_EDGE },
PageOrientation = new PageOrientationTicketItem { Type = PageOrientation.Type.LANDSCAPE },
Copies = new CopiesTicketItem { Copies = 3 }
// Create a request for file submission, you can either submit a url with SubmitFileLink class, or a local file with SubmitFileStream class
var request = new SubmitRequest
PrinterId = printer.Id,
Title = title,
Ticket = cjt,
Content = new SubmitFileLink(url) // or new SubmitFileStream(contentType, fileName, fileStream)
// Submit request
var response = await client.SubmitJobAsync(request);
var request = new ShareRequest
PrinterId = printerId,
Scope = /* Google account you want to share to */,
Role = Role.USER
var response = await client.SharePrinterAsync(request);
var request = new UnshareRequest
PrinterId = printerId,
Scope = /* Google account you want to unshare from */
var response = await client.UnsharePrinterAsync(request);
var googClient = new GoogleCloudPrintClient(provider, token);
using (var client = new HttpClient())
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("X-CloudPrint-Proxy", proxy);
var accessToken = (await googClient.GetTokenAsync()).AccessToken;
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", accessToken);
using (var response = await client.GetAsync(/* some uri */))
/* Do what you want here for the response */
// You can define your printer's capabilities by creating a cdd document for it
var cdd = new CloudDeviceDescription
Version = "1.0",
Printer = new PrinterDescriptionSection
SupportedContentType = new List<SupportedContentType>
new SupportedContentType{ ContentType = "application/pdf", MinVersion = "1.5"},
new SupportedContentType{ ContentType = "image/jpeg"},
new SupportedContentType{ ContentType = "text/plain"}
InputTrayUnit = new List<InputTrayUnit>
new InputTrayUnit{ VendorId ="tray", Type = InputTrayUnit.TypeType.INPUT_TRAY}
Marker = new List<Marker>
new Marker{ VendorId = "black", Type = Marker.TypeType.INK, Color = new Marker.ColorType{ Type = Marker.ColorType.TypeType.BLACK}},
new Marker{ VendorId= "color", Type = Marker.TypeType.INK, Color = new Marker.ColorType{ Type = Marker.ColorType.TypeType.COLOR}}
Cover = new List<Cover>
new Cover{VendorId = "front", Type = Cover.TypeType.CUSTOM, CustomDisplayName = "front cover"}
VendorCapability = new List<VendorCapability>(),
Color = new Color
Option = new List<Color.OptionType> {
new Color.OptionType {Type = Color.Type.STANDARD_MONOCHROME},
new Color.OptionType {Type = Color.Type.STANDARD_COLOR, IsDefault = true},
new Color.OptionType{VendorId = "ultra-color", Type = Color.Type.CUSTOM_COLOR, CustomDisplayName = "Best Color"}
Copies = new Copies { Default = 1, Max = 100 },
MediaSize = new MediaSize
Option = new List<MediaSize.OptionType>
new MediaSize.OptionType{ Name = MediaSize.Name.ISO_A4, WidthMicrons = 210000, HeightMicrons = 297000, IsDefault = true},
new MediaSize.OptionType{Name = MediaSize.Name.NA_LEGAL, WidthMicrons = 215900, HeightMicrons = 355600},
new MediaSize.OptionType{Name = MediaSize.Name.NA_LETTER, WidthMicrons = 215900, HeightMicrons = 279400}
// The above cdd is equivalent to the example found in
// After you get your cdd here, you may register the printer with it using
var request = new RegisterRequest
Name = name,
Proxy = proxy,
Capabilities = cdd.ToCapabilities(),
UseCdd = true
var response = await client.RegisterPrinterAsync(request);