A commandline tool for finding ec2 instance types, the zones they are available in, and the on demand price
go build -o ec2matcher main.go
EC2 Instance Type matcher
Usage: ec2matcher [command]
Available Commands: help Help about any command prices Shows OnDemand pricing for a list of instances types Matches ec2 instance types for desired specs zones Shows instances in a list available in listed zones
Flags: -h, --help help for ec2matcher
Use "ec2matcher [command] --help" for more information about a command.
./ec2matcher types -c 32 -r 256
Name: r5dn.8xlarge
Ram: 262144
Vcpus: 32
Name: r5.8xlarge
Ram: 262144
Vcpus: 32
Name: r5d.8xlarge
Ram: 262144
Vcpus: 32
Name: r5n.8xlarge
Ram: 262144
Vcpus: 32
Name: r5a.8xlarge
Ram: 262144
Vcpus: 32
./ec2matcher types -t c5.12xlarge
Name: c5d.12xlarge
Ram: 98304
Vcpus: 48
Name: c5.12xlarge
Ram: 98304
Vcpus: 48
./ec2matcher zones m4.large,m5dn.large,m5ad.large us-east-1a,us-east-1b,us-east-1c,us-east-1e,us-east-1f
Instancs available in all zones:
Instances with limited availability:
m5dn.large: [us-east-1a us-east-1f us-east-1c us-east-1b]
m5ad.large: [us-east-1a us-east-1c us-east-1f us-east-1b]
./ec2matcher prices m5dn.large,m5ad.large,m5d.large,t3.large,t2.large,m4.large,m5n.large,m6g.large,t3a.large,m5.large,m5a.large
t3a.large: 0.0752000000
m6g.large: 0.0770000000
m5ad.large: 0.1030000000
m5d.large: 0.1130000000
t3.large: 0.0832000000
t2.large: 0.0928000000
m4.large: 0.1000000000
m5n.large: 0.1190000000
m5.large: 0.0960000000
m5dn.large: 0.1360000000
m5a.large: 0.0860000000