Docker Image to run a Dedicated Terraria Server.
docker run \
--name=terraria \
--restart unless-stopped \
--detach \
-it \
-v <data-volume-name>:/app/Worlds \
-e PORT=7777 \
-p 7777:7777 \
mikepruett3/terraria ./
Where PORT= and Expose Port Numbers are the same!
Example: Server to run on port 8080
-e PORT=8080 \
-p 8080:8080 \
Also, change the <data-volume-name> to use either an new or existing Docker Volume. If you do not want to use a volume, change the name to a local directory.
-v terraria-data:/app/Worlds\
-v /home/user/terraria:/app/Worlds\
This way a single server can support multiple Terraria Dedicated Server containers.
The container is created as a Detached container. If you want to connect to the running Dedicate Server console, use the following command:
docker attach terraria
You can type in exit to leave the server console/container, since the restart policy is set to unless-stopped the container (and Dedicated Server) will restart automatically.