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Tags: wiki-n/slidetoact



Toggle v0.5.1's commit message
slidetoact v0.5.1

* Fixed bug with `text_color` default value


Toggle v0.5.0's commit message
slidetoact v0.5.0

* Added the `text_color` attribute to customize text color
* Fixed constructors to use @JvmOverload
* Kotlin to 1.3


Toggle v0.4.0's commit message
slidetoact v0.4.0

* Added feature to disable icon rotation
* Added 'userFailure' event listener to better educate user
* Updating kotlin to latest version


Toggle v0.3.0's commit message
slidetoact v0.3.0

* Added `text_style` attribute
* Added inner/outer color setter
* Added support for custom icons (kudos to @nkizz)
* Fixed radius of the inner cursor (kudos to @redward)
* Improved OutlineProvide creation/usage (kudos to @redwarp)


Toggle v0.2.0's commit message
slidetoact v0.2.0

* Added support for API >= 14
* Added completeSlider utility function
* Added getters/settes for text field
* Update to android gradle plugin version 3


Toggle v0.1.0's commit message
slidetoact v0.1.0

* First working release of slidetoact library
* 100% Kotlin
* Added example app
* Added Espresso tests
* Added Readme with samples and screenshots
* Added support for Bintray release