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Replaced outline with proper UML profile tutorial
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ujhelyiz committed May 13, 2016
1 parent 7727af6 commit ef1c302
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Showing 23 changed files with 193 additions and 76 deletions.
264 changes: 193 additions & 71 deletions extra/Metamodeling-with-UML-profiles.adoc
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* Install Eclipse Modeling
** Help > Install Modeling Components > Papyrus
* Create profile
** New > Papyrus Project
*** Name: com.incquerylabs.course.cps.uml.profile
*** Diagram Language: Profile
*** Root model element name: CyberPhysicalSystem
*** Diagram Kind: Profile Diagram
** Create Stereotype
*** Name: ApplicationInstance
*** When saving, never define the profile
** Create Import Metaclass
*** Metaclass: Artifact
** Create Extension between Stereotype ApplicationInstance and Metaclass Artifact
** Create Property in Stereotype ApplicationInstance
*** Name: dbUser
*** Type: UML Primitive Types > String
** Under the stereotype's Properties > UML, add Icon
*** Kind: shape
*** Location: `platform:/plugin/org.eclipse.ant.ui/icons/full/elcl16/properties.png`
** Define the profile
*** Modify the diagram in an arbitrary way, then save and define it
* Apply profile
** New > Papyrus Project
*** Name: com.incquerylabs.course.cps.uml.instance
*** Diagram Language: UML
*** Diagram Kind: Deployment Diagram
*** Profile: browse the newly created profile from the workspace
** Create Artifact
** Under the artifact's Properties > Profile, add Applied stereotype ApplicationInstance
*** Expand stereotype application and set the property values
** Under Properties > Appearance, select:
*** Shape Decoration > Visible: true
*** Stereotype display > ApplicationInstance: In Braces
* Embed profile in a plug-in and register it to Papyrus
** Right-click > Configure > Convert to plug-in project
*** Define path mapping
**** Add extension for point org.eclipse.emf.ecore.uri_mapping
***** Mapping source: `pathmap://CPS_PROFILE/`
***** Mapping target: `platform:/plugin/com.incquerylabs.course.cps.uml.profile/`
*** Register the profile for Papyrus
***** Add extension for point org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.extensionpoints.UMLProfile (uncheck Show only extension points for required dependencies)
***** Name: `CyberPhysicalSystem` (arbitrary)
***** Path: `pathmap://CPS_PROFILE/cps.profile.uml` (path to UML model file with pathmap)
* Use profile from Papyrus
** Run new Eclipse Application
*** New > Papyrus Project
**** Diagram Language: UML
**** Browse Registered Profiles should contain registered UML profile
* Optional: Customize palette
** Right-click on palette content > Customize\...
*** Add palette
**** Take note of Advanced > EditorID (org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.deployment)
**** Available Tools > select profile CyberPhysicalSystem
**** Add ApplicationInstance (Artifact)
** Try it out
** New > Plug-in Project
*** Name: com.incquerylabs.course.cps.uml.profile.customization
*** Uncheck Activator
** Copy palette definition XML from $WORKSPACE/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common to $WORKSPACE/com.incquerylabs.course.cps.uml.profile.customization/palettes
*** Add dependencies:
**** org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common
**** com.incquerylabs.course.cps.uml.profile
*** Add extension for point org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.paletteDefinition
**** Path: browse the palette definition XML
**** Class: org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.service.PluginPaletteProvider
**** Priority: Medium
**** Right-click > New > editor
***** Id: the saved EditorID (org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.deployment)
== Overview
In this tutorial a profile is created with a custom palette. They are added to the Papyrus UML environment.

== Environment of the exercise
You need an *Eclipse Modeling Tools* version 4.5 with the following installed features:

.Installed Features

| Plugin | Version | Updatesite

| _Papyrus UML_ | 1.1.4 | link:[Mars Release Updatesite]


You can install it from _Help_ > _Install New Sotware\..._. Select the updatesite of Mars (`\`) to _Work with_. Select _Modeling_ > _Papyrus UML_ and click _Next_ -> _Next_ -> _Install_. We use the _Papyrus_ perspective through the exercise.

== Create your first profile
We create a new profile in a project with some basic elements.

* First we need to create a new project so right-click in the _Project Explorer_ and select _New_ > _Papyrus Project_ and click _Next_.
** At the first page of the wizard select _Profile_ as _Diagram Language_.

** At the next page set following properties and click _Next_:
_Project name_: `com.incquerylabs.course.cps.uml.profile`
_Model file name_: `cps`

** At the last page set _Root model element name_ to `CyberPhysicalSystem` and select the _Profile Diagram_ diagram kind and click _Finish_.

* Then the `cps.profile.di` is generated and opened in the editor. The profile diagram is empty yet.

* Now we create a new _Stereotype_ from the _Palette_ called `ApplicationInstance`.
IMPORTANT: When saving, be careful with defining the profile: every definition will be generated into the uml file (see: <<cps-profile-generated-definition,generated definition of cps profile>>)!

* Next we create a new _Import Metaclass_ and select `Artifact` in the pop-up window.

* Create a new _Extension_ between `ApplicationInstance` stereotype and `Artifact` metaclass

* Create a new _Property_ in `ApplicationInstance` stereotype with following properties:
_Name_: `dbUser`
_Type_: _UML Primitive Types_ > _String_

* Under the stereotype's Properties > UML, add _Icon_ with following settings:
_Kind_: shape
_Location_: `platform:/plugin/org.eclipse.ant.ui/icons/full/elcl16/properties.png`

* Now we can define the profile, so modify the diagram in an arbitrary way, then save and define it.

* A definition will be generated into the `cps.profile.uml`:
.The generated definition in the `cps.profile.uml`

== Apply profile
At this section we try out the created profile.

* First create a new _Papyrus Project_ with the following settings:
_Diagram Language_: UML
_Name_: `com.incquerylabs.course.cps.uml.instance`
_Model file name_: `cps`
_Diagram Kind_: Deployment Diagram
_Profile to apply_: browse the newly created profile from the workspace

* Then create a new _Artifact_
* Under the artifact's _Properties_ > _Profile_ add `ApplicationInstance` to _Applied stereotypes_.
** Expand `ApplicationInstance` stereotype and set the value of `dbUser` property.

* Under Properties > Appearance, set followings:
_Shape Decoration_ > _Visible_: true
_Stereotype display_ > _ApplicationInstance_: check _In Braces_

== Register profile to Papyrus
Now we embed our profile in a plug-in and register it to Papyrus. After this we are able to use the profile like other built-in profiles in a runtime Eclipse

* Right-click on the `com.incquerylabs.course.cps.uml.profile` project and select _Configure_ > _Convert to plug-in project_.
** First we define path mapping, so add new extension for extension point `org.eclipse.emf.ecore.uri_mapping`. With this we connect a custom pathmap to the real path of something (in this case our project). Use following settings for mapping:
*** _source_: `pathmap://CPS_PROFILE/`
*** _target_: `platform:/plugin/com.incquerylabs.course.cps.uml.profile/`
** Then register the profile for Papyrus, so add a new extension for extension point `org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.extensionpoints.UMLProfile`. If you do not find it then uncheck _Show only extension points for required dependencies_ (this is because of the missing `org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.extensionpoints` dependency, you need to add it). Use following settings for the profile:
*** _name_: `CyberPhysicalSystem` (arbitrary)
*** _path_: `pathmap://CPS_PROFILE/cps.profile.uml` (path to UML model file with pathmap)

== Usage of the registered profile
Now we try out the registered `CyberPhysicalSystem` profile.

* Launch a new runtime Eclipse by right-clicking on the project of profile and select _Run As_ > _Eclipse Application_.
* Create a new _Papyrus Project_ in the runtime Eclipse, select UML to the _Diagram Language_ and _Browse Registered Profiles_ should contain registered `CyberPhysicalSystem` profile.

== Customize palette
The last thing - what we create - is a custom palette for CPS profile.

* Right-click on any content of the _Palette_ of the `cps.di` and select _Customize\..._.
* In the pop-up dialog click on the icon:plus[role="lime",title="Create a new local palette"] button

* Set _Name_ to `CPS palette`, take note of _Advanced_ > _EditorID_ (it should be `org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.deployment`) and click _Next_.

* At the last page for _Available Tools_ select _CyberPhysicalSystem_ profile then add _ApplicationInstance (Artifact)_ to the _Palette Preview_:
** Click on _ApplicationInstance (Artifact)_, click on the target in the _Palette Preview_ then click on the icon:arrow-right[role="yellow",title="Add the selection to the palette"] button,

** Or drag and drop the _Application Instance (Artifact)_ to the _Palette Preview_.
* Then click _Finish_

== Register the new palette

* Create a new _Plug-in Project_ with following settings:
_Name_: com.incquerylabs.course.cps.uml.profile.customization
_Generate an activator, a Java class that controls the plug-in's life cycle_: icon:square-o[] (unchecked)

* Copy palette definition XML from `$WORKSPACE/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common` to `$WORKSPACE/com.incquerylabs.course.cps.uml.profile.customization/palettes`
** Add dependencies:
** Add extension for extension point `org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.paletteDefinition` and set followings:
_Path_: browse the palette definition XML
_Class_: org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.service.PluginPaletteProvider
_Priority_: Medium

*** Then right-click on the palette definition and select _New_ > _editor_

**** Set the _Id_ od the editor to the saved EditorID (`org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.deployment`)

== Usage of the palette

* Launch a runtime Eclipse.
* Open the previously created `cps.di` (if you do not have this follow instructions of <<_usage_of_the_registered_profile,this section>>).
* The palette will be in the editor:
5 changes: 0 additions & 5 deletions extra/Querying-and-transforming-UML-profile-applications.adoc
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* Import the following CPS projects:
** org.eclipse.viatra.examples.cps.xform.m2m.util
** org.eclipse.viatra.examples.cps.tests
** org.eclipse.viatra.examples.cps.generator
** org.eclipse.viatra.examples.cps.planexecutor
* Create static profile
** Open profile
** Under Properties > Profile, add Applied stereotype EPackage
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