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Wilker Lúcio edited this page Sep 24, 2017 · 1 revision

There is one issue that some people stumbled upon while using; the problem happens when you need to display two or more different views of the same item as siblings (regarding query arrangement, not necessarily DOM siblings), how do you make this query?

For example, let's say you have two different components to display a user profile, one that shows just the username, and another one with its photo.

(om/defui ^:once UserTextView
  static om/IQuery
  (query [_] [:user/name]))

(om/defui ^:once UserImageView
  static om/IQuery
  (query [_] [:user/photo-url]))

(om/defui ^:once UserViewsCompare
  static om/IQuery
  ;; We want to query for both, what we place here?
  (query [_] [{:app/current-user [???]}]))

You might be tempted to concat the queries, and in case you don’t have to nest like we do here, that may even look like it’s working, but let me break this illusion for you; because it’s not. When you use om/get-query it’s not just the query that’s returned; it also contains meta-data telling from which component that query came from.

This information is important, om uses to index your structure and enables incremental updates. When you concat the queries, you lose this, and as a consequence, when you try to run a mutation later that touches those items you will have a “No queries exist at the intersection of component path” thrown in your face.

This problem is still in discussion on the om repository. So far the best way I know to handle this is to use placeholder nodes, so let’s learn how to manage those cases properly.

What we need is to be able to branch out the different queries, this is my suggestion on how to write the UserViewsCompare query:

(om/defui ^:once UserViewsCompare
  static om/IQuery
  ;; By having extra possible branches we keep the path information working
  (query [_] [{:app/current-user [{:ph/text-view (om/get-query UserTextView)}
                                  {:ph/image-view (om/get-query UserImageView)}]}]))

The trick is to create a convention about placeholder nodes, in this case, we choose the namespace ph to represent “placeholder nodes”, so when the query asks for :ph/something we should just do a recursive call, but staying at the same logical position in terms of parsing, as if we had stayed on the same node.

You can use the p/placeholder-reader to implement this pattern on your parser:

(ns pathom-docs.placeholder
  (:require [com.wsscode.pathom.core :as p]))

(def user
  {:user/name      "Walter White"
   :user/photo-url ""})

(def computed
   (fn [env]
     (p/join user env))})

(def parser (p/parser {::p/plugins [(p/env-plugin {::p/reader [p/map-reader
                                                               ; placeholder reader
                                                               (p/placeholder-reader "ph")]})]}))

(parser {} [{:app/current-user [{:ph/text-view [:user/name]}
                                {:ph/image-view [:user/photo-url]}]}])
; #:app{:current-user #:ph{:text-view #:user{:name "Walter White"},
;                          :image-view #:user{:photo-url ""}}}
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