- code from the challenge and from benchmarks performed after the end of the challenge
- will be cleaned up in later commits
- git-lfs
- cmake
- ninja
- make
- gcc and g++
- (nix-shell)
- (direnv)
- scripts/startshell.sh starts the nix-shell
- there is a tmuxinator configuration in .tmuxinator.yml
- bin/configure_debug configures cmake for debug
- bin/configure_release configures cmake for release
- bin/build builds c++ libs based on cmake configuration
- bin/clean cleans the c++ build directory
- bin/producezip produces submission.zip based on a directory of output files in output/solutions/
- bin/rundev [nogui] runs the in development mode
- bin/runevaluate evalues an algorithm on a testcase and puts output into the output directory
- bin/rungenimages generates image of a given testset
- bin/runinparallel is like rundev but in parallel
- cgshop2023-pyutils
- pybind11
- loguru
- matplotlib
- multiprocess
- tabulate
- cgal at least version 5, and its dependecies (https://doc.cgal.org/latest/Manual/thirdparty.html#title2)
- boost
pacman -Sy make cgal cmake gcc ninja python-pip scons openmpi [tmux] [vim]
pip install pybind11 loguru matplotlib multiprocess cgshop2023-pyutils