Eagleye is a simple tool that can monitor Java EE application servers in QA and production environments. It is implemented by injecting monitor bytes code to application.Currently it can collect the following infomation:
- memory info
- GC info
- c3p0 info
$ git clone https://github.com/willwu1984/eagleye.git
$ mvn clean install
$ mv target/eagleye-0.1.jar ${tomcat_install_path}/lib
$ cp src/resources/*.properties ${tomcat_install_path}/lib
1.add the following lines in the file WEB-INF/web.xml
2.add the following line into your application context in the file WEB-INF/server.xml.
<Context docBase="test" path="/test">
<Loader loaderClass="eagleye.extension.tomcat.WebappClassLoader"/>
A monitor URI(/monitor/monitorInfo.action) is created if you installed. You can view the infomation by this url such as http://localhost:8080/test/monitor/monitorInfo.action