Challenge to show a REST API which allows to create, read and modify travel information
# install dependencies
$ npm install
Copy the env.sample file to .env and fill DATABASE_URI with the connection information to a mongo
# development
$ npm run start
# watch mode
$ npm run start:dev
# production mode
$ npm run start:prod
The challenge had the following points:
Migrate JSON data to a database
Solution The mongoimport tool was used as in the following script
mongoimport --host <host> --ssl -u mark -p '<pass>' --authenticationDatabase admin --db <db> --collection <collection> --drop --file <file>.json --jsonArray
Create a Rest API
The Next JS framework with TypeScript was used to create the REST API. NestJs made with Node.js and uses Express as HTTP Server.
Create the following endpoints
Check the number of total trips
Solution The endpoint showing the solution is /trips/count by the GET method
Check the number of total trips by city
Solution The endpoint showing the solution is /trips/countByCity by the GET method
Create a trip
Solution The endpoint it creates is /trips by the POST method
Update a trip
Solution The endpoint it update is /trips by the PUT method
Create the API documentation in Swagger
Solution Documentation with Swagger http://localhost:3000/docs/
Create a diagram of the developed application architecture
Function branch workflow was used
To see the solutions configure the Mongodb database and run the project in production mode on port 3000
- Author - Wilson Romero
- Twitter - @WilsonRomeroC