A deckbuilder for Legend of the Five Rings LCG
- php 7.x and various extensions (see composer.json)
- mysql (or compatible)
- git
- composer
- node 6.x (currently, the Ubuntu 16 official repo has node 4.x)
- npm
- Create a database in MySQL:
mysql -uroot -p -e "create database fiveringsdb"
- Clone the code repository:
git clone https://github.com/Alsciende/fiveringsdb.git
- Clone the data repository:
git clone https://github.com/Alsciende/fiveringsdb-data data
- Go to the code repository:
cd fiveringsdb
- Install the vendors:
composer install
- Create the schema and fixtures:
./reset-env dev
- Run the Symfony server:
bin/console server:start localhost:8642
- Symlink to a folder containing the card images:
ln -s /path/to/card/images web/bundles/card_images
- Go to the frond-end project:
cd vue
- Install the vendors:
npm install --no-optional
- Export the API URL:
export FIVERINGSDB_API_URL=http://localhost:8642/app_dev.php
- (optional) Export the card images folder URL:
export FIVERINGSDB_IMG_URL=http://localhost:8642/bundles/card_images
- Run the Webpack server:
npm run dev
./reset-env test
cd vue
./node_modules/.bin/eslint src/