atr_vol_algo_templates Public
Templates for the ATR Vol Algo from Arc-AI and Neurostreet Trading
dotfiles Public
Forked from alrra/dotfiles🔧 OS X / Ubuntu dotfiles
DiscordTwitterBot Public
Forked from otherwiseGG/DiscordTwitterBotSends a Notification to a Channel from your Twitter.
JavaScript GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJan 11, 2022 -
motion-detection Public
Forked from nickw444/motion-detectionDetect motion in a movie file
C++ UpdatedMay 10, 2018 -
lake-afton-interactive-exhibits Public
Forked from benblankley/lake-afton-interactive-exhibitsWeb-based interactive slideshows and infographics for tablets and computers at the Lake Afton Public Observatory.
HTML MIT License UpdatedOct 19, 2016 -
pogom Public
Forked from favll/pogomThe fastest Pokémon Go Map available.
Python MIT License UpdatedAug 10, 2016 -
MyDearWatson Public
Forked from njradford/my-dear-watsonSmall script to improve installation process of Elementary OS on Chromebooks
Shell UpdatedFeb 11, 2016 -
infozip-bin Public
zip and unzip wrapper that makes it seamlessly available as a local dependency in windows
JavaScript Other UpdatedOct 6, 2015 -
stash Public
Forked from undefinedio/stashWordpress stack with gulp, capistrano, timber + twig and browserify
PHP MIT License UpdatedAug 26, 2015 -
angular-flexslider Public
Forked from thenikso/angular-flexsliderAngularJS directive to use Woothemes' FlexSlider jQuery plugin.
HTML UpdatedAug 12, 2015 -
stickUp Public
Forked from LiranCohen/stickUpstickUp a jQuery Plugin for sticky navigation menus.
HTML GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 UpdatedMay 13, 2015 -
sails-dynamodb Public
Forked from gadelkareem/sails-dynamodbAmazon DynamoDB adapter for Waterline / Sails.js
JavaScript UpdatedMar 24, 2015 -
generator-ng-poly Public
Forked from dustinspecker/generator-ng-polyYeoman generator for modular AngularJS apps with Gulp and optional Polymer support
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMar 6, 2015 -
passport-hawk Public
Forked from jfromaniello/passport-hawkPassport strategy for the Hawk authentication schema.
JavaScript UpdatedFeb 12, 2015 -
POSTMan-Chrome-Extension Public
Forked from postmanlabs/postman-app-supportPostman helps you be more efficient while working with APIs. Using Postman, you can construct complex HTTP requests quickly, organize them in collections and share them with your co-workers.
JavaScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedDec 5, 2014 -
vogels Public
Forked from ryanfitz/vogelsDynamoDB data mapper for node.js
JavaScript Other UpdatedOct 9, 2014 -
node-s3-client Public
Forked from andrewrk/node-s3-clienthigh level amazon s3 client for node.js
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 8, 2014 -
node-ffmpeg Public
Forked from damianociarla/node-ffmpegffmpeg module for nodejs
JavaScript UpdatedAug 20, 2014 -
slide.and.push Public
Forked from Thram/slide.and.pushAngularJS Directive to make Slide and Push menus. Based in http://tympanus.net/codrops/2013/04/17/slide-and-push-menus/
fabric.js Public
Forked from fabricjs/fabric.jsJavascript Canvas Library, SVG-to-Canvas (& canvas-to-SVG) Parser
JavaScript Other UpdatedApr 21, 2014 -
angular-selection-model Public
Forked from jtrussell/angular-selection-modelThe selection management companion for ngRepeat
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMar 5, 2014 -
grunt-webdav-sync Public
Forked from avisi/grunt-webdav-syncSynchronizes a local folder to a remote webdav folder as part of your Grunt build
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJan 8, 2014 -
ReplicatorG Public
Forked from makerbot/ReplicatorGAn open-source gcode interpreter for driving RepRaps, Makerbots, and other similar CNC beasties
Python GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedApr 25, 2013 -
roots Public
Forked from roots/sageRoots is a starting WordPress theme made for developers based on HTML5 Boilerplate & Bootstrap from Twitter.
PHP MIT License UpdatedNov 1, 2012 -
Instagram-PHP-API Public
Forked from cosenary/Instagram-PHP-APIAn easy-to-use PHP Class for accessing Instagram's API.
PHP BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedAug 11, 2012 -
jsPlumb Public
Forked from jsplumb/jsplumbjQuery/MooTools/YUI3 Javascript library that lets you connect parts of your UI together.
JavaScript UpdatedAug 10, 2012 -
riloadr Public
Forked from tubalmartin/riloadrRiloadr - A cross-browser framework-independent responsive images loader written in Javascript.