- springboot 2.4.2 + mysql 5
- Java : JDK 1.8
- Maven :4.0.0
- unit test: junit 4.13 \ mockmvc
- list car and car maintenance info
- save car and car maintenance into db
- update car's record
- remove car's record
listing : query maintenance record by id
[GET] /api/v1/cars/{id}/list
[GET] /api/v1/cars/{id}/maintenance/list
adding : insert a car info or maintenance record
[POST]/api/v1/cars/save with carjson @RequestBody
[POST]/api/v1/cars/{id}/maintenance/save maintenance record with carmaintenancejson @RequestBody
updating : a car info or maintenance record
[PUT] /api/v1/cars/{id}/{token}/update carjson @RequestBody
[PUT] /api/v1/cars/{id}/{token}/maintenance/update maintenance record
deleting : delete a record
[DELETE] /api/v1/cars/{id}/{token}/delete
[DELETE] /api/v1/cars/{id}/{token}/maintenance/delete
It's simple demo. Improvement are too many....