An AngularJS service for the Azure Mobile Service Client.
This supports simple and complex queries, inserts, updates, and deletes. Supports login and logout of Azure authentication identities such as Google, Twitter, Facebook, Windows Live, and Azure Active Directory. Also supports invoking your custom azure api calls.
bower install angular-azure-mobile-service
<script src=""></script>
- [AngularJS] (
- [Azure Mobile Service Client] (
Add the Azure Mobile Service Client to your index.html file
<script src=''></script>
After downloading the angular-azure-mobile-service.js
to your AngularJS project then
Add 'azure-mobile-service.module'
to your main angular.module like so
angular.module('myapp', ['myApp.controllers', '', 'azure-mobile-service.module']);
Create an AngularJS constant
service called AzureMobileServiceClient
, this will provide the Azure Mobile service with the API Key and URL and will not get overwritten with bower updates.
angular.module('your-module-name').constant('AzureMobileServiceClient', {
API_URL : 'https://<your-api-url>',
API_KEY : '<your-api-key>'
Add the Azureservice as a dependacy to your controller like so:
.controller('MainCtrl', function ($scope, Azureservice) {
This will expose the following methods
- [Azureservice.query(tableName, parameters, withFilterFn)] (
- [Azureservice.getAll(tableName, withFilterFn)] (
- [Azureservice.getById(tableName, id, withFilterFn)] (
- [Azureservice.insert(tableName, obj, withFilterFn)] (
- [Azureservice.update(tableName, obj, withFilterFn)] (
- [Azureservice.del(tableName, obj, withFilterFn)] (
- [Azureservice.login(oauthProvider)] (
- [Azureservice.logout()] (
- [Azureservice.isLoggedIn()] (
- [Azureservice.invokeApi()] (
Query the Azure database
tableName Required
The Azure table to query
**parameters** Optional, Javascript object used filter the query
criteria //A javascript object or a function to filter
//If function then it must be an OData predicate.
params //Array of parameters to pass the criteria function
columns //Array of column names to return
take //Number of results to return
skip //Number of reuslts to skip over
columns //Array of column names to return
orderBy //Array of objects
column //Column name to sort by
direction //Direction to sort : asc || desc
[More information] ( about what each parameter does
**withFilterFn** Optional [More information] (
A function that can read and write arbitrary properties or add additional headers to the request
AngularJS Promise
Simple query to return all results from the todoListTable
Note: The empty object is optional.
Azureservice.query('todoListTable', {})
.then(function(items) {
// Assigin the results to a $scope variable
$scope.items = items;
}, function(err) {
console.error('There was an error quering Azure ' + err);
Query to return all items in the todoList table with a column isFinished value of false
Azureservice.query('todoListTable', {
criteria: {
.then(function(items) {
// Assigin the results to a $scope variable
$scope.items = items;
}, function(err) {
console.error('There was an error quering Azure ' + err);
Same query as before but this time ordering the results name ascending and owner descending
Azureservice.query('todoListTable', {
criteria: {
orderBy: [
.then(function(items) {
// Assigin the results to a $scope variable
$scope.items = items;
}, function(err) {
console.error('There was an error quering Azure ' + err);
Same query as before but adding the pagination options of skip and take (See Azure docs) and returning just the colums name, isFinished
Azureservice.query('todoListTable', {
criteria: {
orderBy: [
skip: 10,
take: 25,
columns: ['name', 'isFinished']
.then(function(items) {
// Assigin the results to a $scope variable
$scope.items = items;
}, function(err) {
console.error('There was an error quering Azure ' + err);
For complex queries you can pass a pedicate function into the critera instead of an object, if you need to pass varibles to the function then pass add the params array. You can still pass all the take, columns, skip parameters also but not shown here for reduce complexity
This will run the criteria function against the results passing in params array. This will return all rows that have a column name with terry in it. Simalar to a SQL LIKE
Azureservice.query('todoListTable', {
criteria: function() {
return[0]) !== -1; // The this keyword is in referece to the Azure results
params: ['terry']
.then(function(items) {
// Assigin the results to a $scope variable
$scope.items = items;
}, function(err) {
console.error('There was an error quering Azure ' + err);
Insert data into the Azure database
tableName Required
The Azure table to insert to
**obj** Required
Javascript object containing the columns and values to insert in to the database
**withFilterFn** Optional [More information] (
A function that can read and write arbitrary properties or add additional headers to the request
AngularJS Promise
Azureservice.insert('todoListTable', {
name: 'This is the task',
owner: 'Terry Moore',
isFinished: false
.then(function() {
console.log('Insert successful');
}, function(err) {
console.error('Azure Error: ' + err);
AngularJS Promise
Query the Azure database
tableName Required
The Azure table to update
**obj** Required
Javascript object containing the columns and values to udpate in to the database. Must contain Azure ID column
**withFilterFn** Optional [More information] (
A function that can read and write arbitrary properties or add additional headers to the request
AngularJS Promise
Azureservice.update('todoListTable', {
id: '5A25CD78-F2D9-413C-81CA-6EC090590AAF',
isFinished: true
.then(function() {
console.log('Update successful');
}, function(err) {
console.error('Azure Error: ' + err);
AngularJS Promise
Delete from the Azure database
tableName Required
The Azure table to delete from
**obj** Required
Javascript object containing the criteria for rows from the database.
**withFilterFn** Optional [More information] (
A function that can read and write arbitrary properties or add additional headers to the request
AngularJS Promise
Azureservice.del('todoListTable', {
id: '5A25CD78-F2D9-413C-81CA-6EC090590AAF'
.then(function() {
console.log('Delete successful');
}, function(err) {
console.error('Azure Error: ' + err);
Query all data from table.
Alias to Azureservice.query(tableName, {})
tableName Required
The Azure table to get all data from
**withFilterFn** Optional [More information] (
A function that can read and write arbitrary properties or add additional headers to the request
AngularJS Promise
.then(function(items) {
console.log('Query successful');
$scope.item = items;
}, function(err) {
console.error('Azure Error: ' + err);
Get item from database by id
tableName Required
The Azure table to query from
**id** Required
The row id
**withFilterFn** Optional [More information] (
A function that can read and write arbitrary properties or add additional headers to the request
AngularJS Promise
Azureservice.getById('todoListTable', '5A25CD78-F2D9-413C-81CA-6EC090590AAF')
.then(function(item) {
console.log('Query successful');
$scope.item = item;
}, function(err) {
console.error('Azure Error: ' + err);
Login using the specified Oauth Provider. Users logins are currently session based. This may change in the future. [More information] (
oauthProvider Required
The oauth provider
Vaild options are 'google', 'twitter', 'facebook', 'microsoftaccount', 'aad'
AngularJS Promise
.then(function() {
console.log('Login successful');
}, function(err) {
console.error('Azure Error: ' + err);
Logs out the current user.
Checks if a user is currently logged in.
True if there is a current login session
False if there is not
Azureservice.invokeApi(name, params)
Invoke a Azure Mobile service custom api call.
[More information] (
If this response from the api is not a status code 200 then it trigger the error function.
**name** Required
The custom API name
An object that contains a set of parameters to send the custom api. If no params object is set then it will default to calling the api with a GET method.
Valid options to set in the params object: { method //String The method to call the api with. Valid options are get, post, put, delete body //Object of key/values pairs of data to send the request body parameters //Object of key/values pairs of data to send the query parameters headers //Object of key/values pairs of data to send in the reqeust headers }
AngularJS Promise
Azureservice.invokeApi('apiName' {
method: 'get',
body: {
.then(function(response) {
console.log('Here is my response object');
}, function(err) {
console.error('Azure Error: ' + err);
For more information on Windows Azure Mobile service please refer to the [Microsoft Azure Mobile Service Documentation] (