google's protobuf 2.* for Unity3d 2018
google's protobuf
version: 2.*
apply to: Unity3d 2018
notes: Unity 5.0 and before version, please use protobuf_for_unity version
open the unity project: unity_project_protobuf_net
notice the 'NewBehaviourScript.cs' click unity run
private void _TestProtobuff ()
//1. new a message.
TheMsg message_1 = new TheMsg ();
message_1.Name = "steve jobs";
message_1.Num = 19550224;
Debug.Log ("message1: " + message_1.ToString());
//2. write byte buffer to file.
byte[] byte_buffer;
using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
message_1.WriteTo (memoryStream);
byte_buffer = memoryStream.ToArray ();
//3. read message from byte buffer.
TheMsg message_2 = TheMsg.Parser.ParseFrom (byte_buffer);
Debug.Log ("message2: " + message_2.ToString ());
at last, cd './ProtoGen/', click 'protogen.bat' to generate './input/test_msg.cs' into './output/test_msg.cs'
and copy 'test_msg.cs' to unity project
and 'test_msg.proto' in ./ProtoGen/input/
syntax = "proto2";
message TheMsg {
string name = 1;
int32 num = 2;