- Advanced layer 7 DDOS attack script.
- Bypassing Cloudflare JS Challenges, HTTP-DDOS detection.
- Compatible with all HTTP protocols.
- Valid headers, with many settings for attacks like randomized paths using random characters or random words using a word list generated by AI.
- Possibility to choose between GET or POST requests with post-datas.
- Script resources usage monitoring.
- Protected script using a KEY provided for free for GitHub users below.
- Node.js
- Unzip
Clone the repo.
git clone
Go to directory.
Unzip archive.
Grant permissions to run the script.
chmod +x http-browser1.7
Launch the script.
./http-browser1.7 --key=githubfreeaccess
Parameters for the attacks will be shown.
Do not attack government sites (.gov/.gob), educational pages (.edu) or the United States Department of Defense (.mil), the developer is not responsible for the damage caused by the attacks. Remember: you are responsible for the attacks since this tool was created for educational/benchmark purposes.