live Link:
A full clone of the git hub Personal Profile Page(Rpositories tab)
It is basically a client side implementation with nodejs server to make graphql API calls to the github server. Because of the ACCESS_TOKEN that was the reason i used a server side language.
- 1)Graphql API query for all the data on the page from username, bio, stats, organization list to repositories, their url, descriptions and only with just one API call
- 2)Full implementation of the UI interactions on the page. The dropdown(the profile dropdown and the search language dropdown) exactly as it is. Also click outside the drop to close it.
- 3)You can Star and Unstar the repos yourself
- 4)Completely Responsive on all Screensizes and the different details matched for all screen sizes(like dropdown for small screensizes)
- 5)Mobile menu functions
- 6)All hover Effects were implemented
- 7)Sticky repository Nav and username nav(on big screen)