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Starsector mod template with pre-configured IntelliJ project files and instructions.


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Starsector IntelliJ Mod Template



This is a template for a generic Starsector mod using Java.

When you are done, you will have a mod that does nothing, but is ready for anything to be added.

Written for IntelliJ Community (free download), but should work with any IDE. You do NOT need IntelliJ Ultimate. Latest version of IntelliJ is 2022.2 as of writing.


  • Change LICENSE to something else.


  • Download or git clone this repository wherever you want to work.
    • The simplest is to put it right into your mods folder; otherwise, you'll need to either copy it each time you change things or make an alias to it.


  • I already have a mod started. Can I just drag and drop this into my mod folder?
    • Yes, but don't overwrite anything you already have.
    • You probably mostly want the .idea folder (which contains IntelliJ configuration) and the src folder - then, move any code you have into the src folder and fix the package in each .java file (ask if you don't know how).
  • Everything is working! Do I still need the readme_files folder?
    • lol no, delete it.

Explanation of Folders/Files

The template contains many folders and files that are commonly used, but not all. You may not need everything, but leaving them in place doesn't hurt either.

  • .git/ Optional. Used by git to store all git-related information. May be deleted if you are not using git.
  • .idea/ Required. Used by IntelliJ to store settings and configuration.
  • .run/ Optional. Used by IntelliJ, contains a ready-to-use configuration for running the game. May be deleted if you want to make your own Run Configuration instead.
  • data/ Optional. Used by Starsector, this folder just contains some common files that mods use that you would probably end up creating yourself. May be deleted if you don't need it.
  • graphics/ Optional. Default location to place images of all kinds.
  • sounds/ Optional. Default location to place sounds, including music, which you then add to data/config/sounds.json.
  • src/ Optional? Contains example source code which you will presumably build upon. May be deleted if your mod doesn't have any code (but then why use this template...?)
  • .gitignore Optional. Used by git to determine which files should not be committed (for example, not to commit temp files used during the build process). May be deleted if not using git.
  • LICENSE Optional. This is the license file, delete or modify it to your liking.
  • mod_info.json Required.
  • Required?
  • yourName_uniqueid.version Optional. This is a sample Version Checker file. May be deleted if not using Version Checker (but you should).

IntelliJ Configuration

Set your SDK (the thing that compiles the Java code)

  • Open File -> Project Structure -> Project.
  • Ensure that the Language Level is set to 7.
  • Set an SDK. This can be 1.7 (aka 7), 1.8 (aka 8), or higher. You can also download an SDK from this dropdown, if the Download option is provided.


Ensure that your run configuration is correct:

  • In IntelliJ, click Run - Edit Configurations.

  • Select "Run Starsector"

  • Set Working directory to the location of your starsector-core folder, if different than what's currently there.

  • Check other values to make sure they fit your Starsector install. By default, they are set for a typical Windows install.

  • Click Ok. You should now be able to choose Run Starsector from the Run menu and then click the Debug button (the icon of a bug)

  • If you are running on linux, the VM Arguments should instead be

    -server -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=5005 -Xverify:none -Djava.library.path=./native/linux -Xms1536m -Xmx1536m -Xss2048k -classpath janino.jar:commons-compiler.jar:commons-compiler-jdk.jar:starfarer.api.jar:starfarer_obf.jar:jogg-0.0.7.jar:jorbis-0.0.15.jar:json.jar:lwjgl.jar:jinput.jar:log4j-1.2.9.jar:lwjgl_util.jar:fs.sound_obf.jar:fs.common_obf.jar:xstream-1.4.10.jar -Dcom.fs.starfarer.settings.paths.saves=./saves -Dcom.fs.starfarer.settings.paths.screenshots=./screenshots -Dcom.fs.starfarer.settings.paths.mods=./mods -Dcom.fs.starfarer.settings.paths.logs=. -Dcom.fs.starfarer.settings.linux=true com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher

Run configuration!

"I didn't install the game to the default location"

If your game isn't installed to C:\Program Files (x86)\Fractal Softworks\Starsector then we need to fix some more file paths.

If you did install to the default location, skip to the next part.

  1. Open .idea/libraries/starfarer_api.xml. It should be fairly clear what needs to be fixed; any path that's pointing to the default game installation should be changed to point to wherever you have it installed.
    1. It's also possible to edit this in File -> Project Structure -> Libraries, but for editing en masse, editing the xml directly is simpler.

Library configuration!

Running the game

To actually build your mod and run the game with it, look for and click the Debug icon, which looks like a bug and is green by default. It should be at the top of IntelliJ and next to Build (hammer icon) and Run (play icon) buttons.

Clicking the Debug button will build the .jar, launch the game and pause it, attach IntelliJ's debugger, and unpause the game. The game's launcher will then show. Don't forget to enable your mod in the launcher.

Don't click the Run (play) icon; it will cause the game to wait indefinitely for the debugger and never launch.

It's working, now what?

Now you have a template that works, but we need to personalize it so multiple people can use the template without stepping on each others' toes, so to speak.

See that in src, we have author.modname as the package (which matches the folder path src/author/modname).

  1. The first step is to change the package of our code. This is an organization thing; if there are two Java files with the same name in the same package, then only one of them will get loaded, but if they're in different packages, both will be loaded.
    1. The easy way to change this is to open up, click on the first line (package...), right-click, and choose Refactor -> Rename. Change it to match your username and modname (or whatever you prefer) .
    2. When done, you shouldn't have any code in author.modname. If that still exists, it can be safely deleted.
  2. Now, we've changed where the ModPlugin is located and we need to tell the game the new location the game can call it when the game loads.
    1. Open the mod_info.json file, find "modPlugin", and edit it to use your new package (if you forgot, it's the first line of your file).
  3. You can also change the name of the .jar file, which is Template.jar by default, in File -> Project Structure -> Artifacts, then just right-click on Template.jar and choose rename.
    1. You will also need to update the name of the .jar in your mod_info.json file so the game knows where to look.


Adding more dependencies/libraries

Need to depend on another mod or library (e.g. GraphicsLib, LazyLib, LunaLib, MagicLib, Nexelerin, etc)?

  1. File -> Project Structure -> Modules -> "starsector-intellij-template" -> Dependencies tab -> + icon -> JARS or Directories. Select the .jar(s) you want to add.
  2. Leave Export unchecked and Scope to Compile.


Author: Wisp

Lowtech Tempest: Selkie


Starsector mod template with pre-configured IntelliJ project files and instructions.








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