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Mikrofraim is a minimalist PHP framework for websites, APIs etc.

Fast internal array based routing with support for routing groups and authentication filters.

We also include a few 3rd party components;

  • Twig - Flexible, fast, and secure template engine for PHP
  • Whoops - PHP errors for cool kids
  • Monolog - Powerful and flexible logging for PHP
  • Idiorm and Paris - A minimalist database toolkit for PHP


PHP 7.x


Clone the repository, do a "composer update", copy .env.example to .env in the root folder and ensure writable permissions on storage/.

Framework structure

boostrap/       Contains bootstrap.php, responsible for bootstrapping the framework
lib/            Internal framework library classes, for routing, helpers and fascades
controller/     Classic MVC controller functions, autoloaded
classes/        Custom classes for your app, autoloaded under Classes namespace
models/         Paris ORM models (totally optional), autoloaded under Models namespace
public/         The public web root, contains index.php responsible for initiating bootstrapping and routing the request
templates/      Twig template files, for easy rendering via the View::render() framework helper
storage/        Temporary storage area for logs and file based caching (if enabled)
routes.php      Route definitions
composer.json   Composer project dependencies


All routes live in routes.php by default, where you can add simple routes and more complex routing groups.

Add routes with Route::add() which accept three arguments; request verb (GET, POST, ...), path and handler function

Request verb

Any valid HTTP request verb, or * to match all request types.

Routing examples

Simple routing

Optional argument (val), closure handler, direct output


Route::add('GET', '/test/{val?}', function($val = 'default') {
    return "val = $val";
Required argument (id), controller handler, templated output


Route::add('GET', '/user/{id}/list', 'UserController@list');


Class UserController {
    public function list() {
        $list = [...];
        return View::render('list.html', [ 'list' => $list ]);

Routing group with URL prefix (/prefix) and pre and post request filter


Route::group('/prefix', function() {
    Route::add('GET', '/resource', 'ResourceController@resource');
}, function() {
    // this filter is called before routing
    // return false to deny the request
    // return true to accept it

    if (Session::get('authenticated') !== true) {
        return false;

    return true;
}, function($response) {
    // this filter is called after routing and handling the request, but before data is returned to client
    // $repsonse contains any returned data from handling function and can be manipulated freely before being returned to client

    if (! $response) {
        return View::render('error.html', [ 'errorMessage' => 'internal error, no data ' ]);

    return $response;

Logging example

The class alias 'Log' is referencing Mikrofraim\Log, a simple helper interface to the powerful Monolog.

Simple logging

Log::info('informative message');
Log::warning('something is wrong');

This would result in the following messages written to /storage/logs/debug.log

2017-06-29 01:07:23 > INFO > informative message
2017-06-29 01:07:23 > WARNING > something is wrong

Our helper class has easy to use interfaces for debug(), info(), notice(), warning() and error() levels of logging.

Access the full power of Monolog directly by accessing the log component.

Caching example

Mikrofraim utilizes the php-cache project's PSR-16 / SimpleCache bridge and includes the array, filebased and redis adapters by default.

Configure which cache engine to use in the environment file (.env)

Simple set with 60 second TTL
Cache::set('cache-key', 123, 60);
Delete cache key
Clear cache

Twig templates

Templates resides, per default, in templates/

You can create custom 40x views for 404 and 403 responses by adding a 404.html and 403.html template in the templates directory.

Please refer to the official Twig documentation to learn about the twig syntax and features.


Mikrofraim is licensed under the Modified BSD License (The 3-Clause BSD License)

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Upnode AS


Minimalist PHP framework







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  • PHP 92.6%
  • HTML 4.7%
  • Shell 2.7%