Flexible and useful UVC camera engine on Android platform, you can use it to simply open your uvc camera (supporting multi-road cameras) without any system permissions . The only thing you should do is that confirming your Android device must support OTG function. So, welcom to use AUSBC3.0 and welcom to star & fork & issues!
- Support opening multi-road camera;
- Support opening camera1、camera2 and uvc camera on Android 4.4+;
- Support previewing 480p、720p、1080p,etc;
- Support adding effects with OpenGL ES 2.0;
- Support capture photo(
) and audio(pcm
) - Support rotating camera view;
- Support showing camera offscreen;
- Support recording media along with acquring h264/aac stream, you can push it to your media server;
- Support acquring all resolutions and usb devices, etc
was refactored by kotlin and It is simpler to use and more feature-rich. So, I highly recommend you to use the current version and let's build it together.
First, add it in your root build.gradle or settings.gradle at the end of repositories:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }
Second, add the dependency in your app.gradle , latest tag is :
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.jiangdongguo.AndroidUSBCamera:libausbc:latest_tag'
- Simply usage
As for how to use this module correctly, just making your Fragment or Activity implement CameraFragment or CameraActivity.
class DemoFragment : CameraFragment() {
private lateinit var mViewBinding: FragmentDemoBinding
override fun initView() {
override fun getCameraView(): IAspectRatio {
return AspectRatioTextureView(requireContext())
override fun initData() {
override fun getCameraViewContainer(): ViewGroup {
return mViewBinding.cameraViewContainer
override fun getRootView(inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?): View {
mViewBinding = FragmentDemoBinding.inflate(inflater, container, false)
return mViewBinding.root
override fun getGravity(): Int = Gravity.TOP
The most important is that you should override getRootView()
at least which means fragment's root view 、texture or surface view and it's container。Of course, the same as CameraActivity and now you can see the uvc camera preview。
- Advanced usage
If you want some custom configurations, you can do like this:
class DemoFragment : CameraFragment() {
override fun getCameraClient(): CameraClient? {
return CameraClient.newBuilder(requireContext())
.setEnableGLES(true) // use opengl render
.setRawImage(true) // capture raw or filter image
.setDefaultEffect(EffectBlackWhite(requireContext())) // default effect
.setCameraStrategy(CameraUvcStrategy(requireContext())) // camera type
.setCameraRequest(getCameraRequest()) // camera configurations
.setDefaultRotateType(RotateType.ANGLE_0) // default camera rotate angle
.openDebug(true) // is debug mode
private fun getCameraRequest(): CameraRequest {
return CameraRequest.CameraRequestBuilder()
.setFrontCamera(false) // only for camera1/camera2
.setPreviewWidth(640) // initial camera preview width
.setPreviewHeight(480) // initial camera preview height
There is no doubt that CameraClient is the core class in this library, you can use the default CameraClient object to preview your camera or custom it. By using CameraClient, you can capture a jpg image or a mp4 video or a mp3 audio file and update resolution or different uvc camera. You can even acquring the stream of H264/AAC/YUV. For example:
// capture jpg image
mCameraClient?.captureImage(callBack, savePath)
// capture mp4 video
mCameraClient?.captureVideoStart(callBack, path, durationInSec)
// capture mp3 audio
mCameraClient?.captureAudioStart(callBack, path)
// play mic in real time
// rotate camera
// base on opening opengl es
// switch different camera
// update resolution
mCameraClient?.updateResolution(width, height)
// get all preview sizes
// acquire encode data(h264 or aac)
// acquire raw data(yuv)
Or,camera configuration:
For more advanced features, you can even add some filters to your camera.This library providers some default filters, sush as EffectBlackWhite、EffectSoul and EffectZoom, and more filters will be added in the future.Of coure, you can also relize your own filters by extending AbstractEffect. For example:
// First, extending AbstractEffect
class EffectBlackWhite(ctx: Context) : AbstractEffect(ctx) {
override fun getId(): Int = ID
override fun getClassifyId(): Int = CameraEffect.CLASSIFY_ID_FILTER
override fun getVertexSourceId(): Int = R.raw.base_vertex
override fun getFragmentSourceId(): Int = R.raw.effect_blackw_fragment
companion object {
const val ID = 100
// Second, adding or updating or removing filter
mCameraClient?.updateRenderEffect(classifyId, effect)
- open multi-road camera
If you want to open multi-road camera, you can make your Fragment or Activity extend MultiCameraFragment or MultiCameraActivity.Just do like this and more details please look up DemoMultiCameraFragment:
class DemoMultiCameraFragment : MultiCameraFragment(), ICameraStateCallBack {
override fun onCameraAttached(camera: MultiCameraClient.Camera) {
// a camera be attached
override fun onCameraDetached(camera: MultiCameraClient.Camera) {
// a camera be detached
override fun onCameraConnected(camera: MultiCameraClient.Camera) {
// a camera be connected
camera.openCamera(textureView, getCameraRequest())
override fun onCameraDisConnected(camera: MultiCameraClient.Camera) {
// a camera be disconnected
override fun onCameraState(
self: MultiCameraClient.Camera,
code: ICameraStateCallBack.State,
msg: String?
) {
// a camera be opened or closed or error
override fun getRootView(inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?): View {
return rootView
- Debug online
If you want to debug the project online or modify something, those steps you should do:
First, modifying the Settings.gradle file and making those to module.
include ':app'
// For debug online
include ':libausbc'
include ':libuvc'
include ':libpush'
include ':libnative'
include ':libuvccommon'
Second, let app.gradle dependenced on ':libausbc'
dependencies {
// For debug online
implementation project(':libausbc')
// demo
//implementation 'com.github.jiangdongguo.AndroidUSBCamera:libausbc:latest_tag'
If you have any question or fun ideas, please issues to me.
Of course, you can also send me a email[ [email protected] ] or WeiXin 【laojiang299】.
So, do not forget to send logs from location Android/data/com.jiangdg.ausbc/files and collect logcat information by executing command adb shell logcat -v threadtime > usbcamera.log
Copyright 2017-2022 Jiangdongguo
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.