VComponents is a SwiftUI collection that contains reusable UI components
An opinionated template for creating an XCFramework that have dependencies from CocoaPods and distribute via Pod.
A blank iOS app build system written in CMake. Includes building a dynamically linked C++ framework and bundling it into the app.
A CMake toolchain file for iOS/iPadOS, visionOS, macOS, watchOS & tvOS C/C++/Obj-C++ development
🤖✨ChatMLX is a modern, open-source, high-performance chat application for MacOS based on large language models.
Collection of handy online tools for developers, with great UX.
Easy way to apply fancy Shimmer effect to any UIView element for iOS applications using Core Animation.
Symbolicating macOS/iOS crash reports, easily.
Open-Sora: Democratizing Efficient Video Production for All
《Hello 算法》:动画图解、一键运行的数据结构与算法教程。支持 Python, Java, C++, C, C#, JS, Go, Swift, Rust, Ruby, Kotlin, TS, Dart 代码。简体版和繁体版同步更新,English version ongoing
应用内网发布 | iOS OTA (Over-the-Air) | APP publish website like | 适用于企业 iOS & Android 内网发布测试使用,方便管理和分发 APP 包
High performance DNS over HTTPS client & server
The best way to customize picture-in-picture for iOS.
XMachOViewer is a Mach-O viewer for Windows, Linux and MacOS
A framework for presenting view controllers as popups of other view controllers, much like the Apple Music and Podcasts apps.
A long list of App URLs for iOS, macOS and Android
Integrate ChatGPT in Xcode using a Xcode Source Editor Extension
HWPanModal presents controller from bottom and drag to dismiss, high customize. iOS13 default modalPresentationStyle. 任意形式的底部弹框动画;头条、知乎、抖音弹出评论效果;地图浮层,iOS13 present默认模态效果。
Postcat 是一个可扩展的 API 工具平台。集合基础的 API 管理和测试功能,并且可以通过插件简化你的 API 开发工作,让你可以更快更好地创建 API。An extensible API tool.