To allow Sleep Researchers access NSRR Cloud resources
Single repository for Complete NSRR Cloud system:
- auth-service folder contains code for Auth Server primarily to perform authn/authz of NSRR ( users
- client-lib folder contains wrapper code for interaction with auth server
- infra folder contains automated infrastructure setup scripts
nsrr - a Python based client library is available for users to access NSSR Cloud resources. This library is compatible with Mac, Linux and Windows (tested on win10 PowerShell with admin privileges).
Run the command below to install nsrr library:
pip install nsrr
This section of the documentation covers usage of 'CFS' dataset as an example.
To learn about different parameters, use help argument:
nsrr --help
To list approved datasets access of a user:
nsrr --list-access
To list all the files of the dataset:
nsrr cfs --list-files
To list all the directories of the dataset:
nsrr cfs --list-directories
To download based on a folder or file path:
nsrr -d cfs/forms
nsrr -d cfs/dataset/cfs-data-dictionary-0.5.0-variables.csv
nsrr -d cfs/polysomnography/annotations-events-nsrr
To download entire dataset:
nsrr -d cfs
To decompress EDFZ files into EDF files, and delete the compressed originals:
nsrr -d cfs --decompress
To learn more about EDFZ file format, visit EDFZ: working with compressed EDFs.
To list all the subjects of a specific dataset:
nsrr cfs --list-subjects
To download subject specific files from a dataset:
nsrr -d cfs --subject 800002
To provide password in non-interactive way:
nsrr -d cfs --token-file token.txt
Data Integrity check is performed via the following two options.
- (Recommended) md5 checksum value is unique to every file. This option verifies that the downloaded file is same as being served by NSRR using md5 checksum value comparison.
- file size check to match with download size of the file hosted by NSRR.
To skip memory intensive data-integrity check:
nsrr cfs -d --no-md5
To forcefully download the whole dataset:
nsrr -d cfs --force
To list the version of the nsrr library:
nsrr -v
- It is recommended to use Python version 3.8.x for Windows and 3.8.x & above for mac/linux systems
- Compatible with Windows (tested on win10 powershell with admin privileges), mac/linux systems
- Data Integrity check is performed via the following two options
- (Recommended) md5 checksum value is unique to every file. This option verifies that the downloaded file is exactly the same as being served by NSRR using md5 checksum value comparison. Use '--no-md5' to skip this option
- file size check to match with download size of the file hosted by NSRR