i'm busy on coding
JAVA / 中间件 / 微服务 / 分布式 / 数据库 / 大数据
- WuHan ,china.
microservice-integration with auth, gateway and backend.
【Java面试+Java学习指南】 一份涵盖大部分Java程序员所需要掌握的核心知识。
an easy-to-use dynamic service discovery, configuration and service management platform for building cloud native applications.
🌱🚀一个基于Spring Boot & MyBatis的种子项目,用于快速构建中小型API、RESTful API项目~
Apollo is a reliable configuration management system suitable for microservice configuration management scenarios.
基于 Spring Cloud 组件构建的分布式服务架构 ( Spring Cloud provides tools for developers to quickly build some of the common patterns in distributed systems )