A friendly IDE to develop HTML5 games based on the Phaser framework.
This app helps you create an apps with vk api easy!
The low level streaming torrent engine that peerflix uses
Библиотека для создания POST/GET API используя минимум кода, с автопроверкой параметров необходимых для модуля platform SDK for online torrent streaming embed SDK for online torrent streaming and download on your site
Official AscEmu repo... a never ending place to work. With cutting edge technologies XD
RakNet is a cross platform, open source, C++ networking engine for game programmers.
SimpleVK это PHP библиотека для быстрой разработки ботов для VK's open-source codebase and curriculum. Learn to code for free.
wlasser / AdbToSqlConverter
Forked from Shauren/AdbToSqlConverterConverts Item.adb and Item-sparse.adb into sql files ready to apply for TrinityCore 4.x database
StrawberryCore is an open source World of Warcraft emulator for Cataclysm, based on Mangos. Supported patch:
PandariaCore Open Source MMO Framework. World of Warcraft game server application. It is derived from TrinityCore.Latest core for Cataclysm 4.3.4
wlasser / MythCore
Forked from SeTM/MythCoreBased on Trinity Myth Core, Client version: 3.3.5, Source code:
wlasser / Lab
Forked from SkyFire/Lab"patch" SmartAI Lab scripts for World of Warcraft Cataclysm 4.0.6a (13623)
wlasser / TrinityCore
Forked from TrinityCore/TrinityCoreTrinityCore Open Source MMO Framework
wlasser / ArkCORE
Forked from Arkania/ArkCOREArkCORE is a World of Warcraft game server application. It is derived from TrinityCore, the Massive Network Game Object Server, and is based on the code of that project.
wlasser / openwowcms
Forked from openwowdb/openwowcmsOpenSource Web frontend for the private WoW servers.
DarkCore Project is a no-profit Open Source community. **We're looking for contributors** to keep this project up-to-date !!
A Wordpress theme based on the game Diablo 3.
TeoMan / mooege
Forked from gmy77/d3sharpAn educational game server emulator written in C#
fgenesis / ArkCORE
Forked from Arkania/ArkCOREArkCORE is a World of Warcraft game server application. It is derived from TrinityCore, the Massive Network Game Object Server, and is based on the code of that project.
wlasser / SkyFireEMU-1
Forked from ProjectSkyfire/SkyFire.406a4.0.6a Supported.|| Official DB: || Need converters? goto: