This repo is a combination of resources that cover topics that are taught in DevMountain's curriculum. These include a combination of articles, videos, and hands-on resources that will help you solidify the concepts that have been taught.
MDN provides great documentation for JavaScript. This documentation includes an overview of a specific concept, its syntax, as well as how to use it within your code.
Medium is a great source for articles relating to JavaScript topics. Ranging from broad to specific concepts of JavaScript, medium articles generally provide an overview of the concept, as well as code snippets to demonstrate how those concepts are implemented.
The JavaScript Crash Course is a great resource to cover the fundamentals of JavaScript, such as variables, datatypes, arrays, objects, functions, and even a little bit of DOM manipulation.
Learn JavaScript is video course provided by freecodecamp, and it covers basic JavaScript principles in depth, including variables, datatypes, arrays, array methods, objects functions, for loops, ternaries, and ES6 features.
Code Wars is a website that provides coding toy problems to help build programming ability. These toy problems(called kata in code wars) often ask for you to create a function that will perform a certain task. These kata can be filtered into different categories(arrays, strings, etc.), and difficulty levels(level 8 is the easiest, level 1 is the most difficult)
freecodecamp is an online education platform that helps users gain web development skills, including JavaScript and HTML/CSS. Mini-lessons are taught that teach code concepts, usually followed by solving a problem related to that topic. Each course provides lots of great material for repetition.
Codecademy provides courses on many different coding languages, including JavaScript. These courses, similar to freecodecamps layout, teach concepts in bite sized chunks, and then follow that with coding something related to that concept.
Just like it does with JavaScript, MDN provides great documentation regarding HTML/CSS topics, and how to use them within your code.
CSS Tricks provides great articles that cover many CSS topics and concepts. Also found on CSS Tricks are code snippets that show code in action and videos that cover various CSS concepts.
Just like Traversy Media's JavaScript Crash Course, the HTML Crash Course covers the fundamental concepts of HTML and how to use them within your code.
Just like the previous Traversy Media Crash Courses, the CSS Crash Course covers the fundamental concepts of CSS, and how to implement it into your code.
CodePen is an online code editor that lets you write code directly into your browser. It is a great resource if you feel like you need extra practice with HTML and CSS, and it will even let you write some JavaScript functionality for your code.
Codecademy, along with providing a great course for learning JavaScript, provides courses for HTML and CSS. These courses are structured similarly, with bite sized lessons followed by coding related to the lessons topic. Each course consists of a couple hours of content.