Calculates the average noise generated by a dslr camera. More specifically it probes the dark frames used in astrophotography
I'm doing something here different
Dark Frames are pictures taken with your lens cap on. Instead of being perfectly dark, they contain 'thermal noise' that are caused by the sensor electronics (thermal excited electrons jumping aroud).
By looking at the noise distribution and its standard deviation at a given ISO and a given exposure time, we can estimate how clean or how noise the image will be, that is, the Signal to noise ratio.
This analysis follows the same analysis done by Roger N. Clark :
- Take dark frames at ISO 400, 800,1600 and 3200 for exposure times: 20s, 40s, 60s, 75s, 90s, 120s
- Calculate the statistics of the pixels (done using software Siril): Mean, Sigma (standard deviation), Max value, Min values.
- Build a table
- Open table in Pandas
- Plot some data (sigma vs time vs ISO)
- Calculate SNR