A project where I integrate Vue with Django
If you would like to create this project from scratch:
Please check the vango_instructions_steps.pdf in the top repo for step by steps. Aight, I need to catch some ZzZ now.
- Clone the repo or manually download. You can clone by opening a console and typing
git clone https://github.com/wlyhdg/vango.git
- Go into main project directory
cd vango
- Use npm to install node.js module dependencies
npm install
- On the side, open another console and navigate to this same location. Then run
npm run dev
We are done setting up this second console.
- In the starting console, run your python virtual environment using
source vango-env/bin/activate
Note: This is for a Mac setup. I will add virtual environment code for Windows soon, but
in that case vango-env would have a vango/Scripts/activate.bat
- Go into the directory that contains the python server running file 'manage.py'
cd vango/vango
- Run the server
python manage.py runserver
Now you can go into vango/vango/frontend/src and this will act as your Vue main directory. Vue code is already working and you can add a components folder, Vuex, Vue Router, etc.
Django rest framework is also installed if you want to add APIs and test a full stack application.