Python Scripts for generating markov chain plots/graphs
Project Details:
- Step 1:
- Markov chains for each fish color and environment color permutations (4 chains as of now, 1 graph)
- Averaging the 6 replicates for each behavior to occur
- Step 2:
- Markov chains for each environment showing blue and yellow fish behavior (2 chains as of now, 1 graph)
- Step 3:
- Divide up Markov chains from step 1 into behavior for each hour (3 hours total)
Project Requirements:
- Be able to run script with minimal input
- Should only need to specify CSV file as argument
- Config file an option?
- Script should be able to work with agnostic data
- Should handle multiple different types of behaviors between different data sets
- Columns are consistent between datasets?
- Script should be easily readable and editable if necessary by a lab tech/researcher with minimal coding knowledge
- Good documentation
- Requested changes should be achievable with minimal edits by lab tech/researcher
- Result should output clean Markov Chain graphs
- Clear node and arrow labeling
- Behaviors' colors grouped by category?
Project Questions:
- Do different video ID's imply different fish recorded?
- Differentiate between different videos?
- How many fish are involved in the dataset (currently assuming 2 fish)?
- What is the Status column?
- Differentiate between Dominant and Subordinate behaviors
- Should Markov Chain separate Dominant's behaviors from Subordinate behaviors into their own graphs? (I assume no)
- How to handle doubled up actions (i.e. two Subordinate's behaviors followed up by the Dominant's behavior)?
Tasks for next week:
Darker colors for nodes in past graphs (hourly and regular for all fish combos)
Andrew's graphs with white background and darker colors + fix weird red colors
Readme for this
add bullet point details to the paper
main libraries used as seen in requirements.txt file:
- graphviz: v0.20.3
- pandas: v2.2.3
libraries used as dependencies for graphviz and pandas (probably unnecessary to include since I don't actually import them, but here they are anyway):
- numpy: v2.1.2
- python-dateutil: v2.9.0.post0
- pytz: v2024.2
- six: v1.16.0
- tzdata: v2024.2
- loaded each folder of csv files containing relevant data into pandas dataframes for formatting/organization
- csv files represented different filming sessions of the same subject
- data was cleaned and organized to prevent discrepency errors
- data was aggregated into the following pandas dataframe schemas (schema changes depending on analysis type i.e. time, category, and/or as is):
- Behavior Dataframe: contains aggregated totals of all observed behaviors
- Columns available to all analysis types:
- BEHAVIOR: the behavior exhibited by the subject
- BEHAVIOR_COUNTS: the total count of a given behavior observed across all of the provided data
- BEHAVIOR_PROBABILITY: the percentage of how often a behavior was performed over the total count of all behaviors performed on a scale between 0 and 1
- if analyzing based on time/hourly performance, probabilities are split across different hours recorded
- Columns unique to time analysis:
- HOUR_PERFORMED: the hour in which a behavior was performed
- BEHAVIOR_TOTALS_BY_HOUR: the total count of a given behavior observed within a given hour in the recording
- Columns unique to category analysis:
- BEHAVIORAL_CATEGORY: the category in which a behavior falls under
- Columns available to all analysis types:
- Transition Dataframe: contains aggregated totals for the different behavior transitions observed
- Columns available to all analysis types:
- BEHAVIOR: the behavior exhibited by the subject
- BEHAVIOR_NEXT: the following behavior (created for ease of access when creating the transitions)
- TRANSITION_COUNTS: the total count of transitions between a given behavior (BEHAVIOR) and another behavior (BEHAVIOR_NEXT) observed across all of the provided data
- BEHAVIOR_TOTALS: the total count of a given behavior amongst all of its possible transitions
- if analyzing based on time/hourly performance, the totals are split across different hours recorded
- TRANSITION_PROBABILITY: the percentage of how often a specific transition from one behavior to the next was observed over the total count of all transitions from a given behavior observed on a scale between 0 and 1
- if analyzing based on time/hourly performance, probabilities are split across different hours recorded
- Columns unique to time analysis:
- HOUR_PERFORMED: the hour in which a transition was observed
- Columns unique to category analysis:
- BEHAVIORAL_CATEGORY: the category in which a behavior (from the BEHAVIOR column) falls under
- Columns available to all analysis types:
- Behavior Dataframe: contains aggregated totals of all observed behaviors
- made multiple markov chains using the Digraph function from the graphviz library
- graph nodes representing each behavior generated using data from Behavior Dataframe
- node sizes based on total occurrences across all behaviors
- smaller = occurred less, larger = occurred more
- node sizes were clamped to specific values to prevent generated nodes from being too big or too small
- node positions determined by graphviz "dot" graphics engine to create optimal placements
- node colors chosen arbitrarily unless grouping by category
- if grouped by category, node colors become gradient based on a color assigned to the given category
- nodes for aggressive behaviors were a shade of red
- nodes for reproductive behaviors were a shade of green
- nodes for aversive behaviors were a shade of blue
- if grouped by category, node colors become gradient based on a color assigned to the given category
- node sizes based on total occurrences across all behaviors
- directed graph connections representing behavior transitions generated using data from Transition Dataframe
- connection widths based on total occurrences across all transitions from a given behavior
- smaller = occurred less, larger = occurred more
- connection widths were clamped to specific values to prevent generated connections from being too wide or too thin
- connection colors based on the node it comes from unless grouping by category
- for example: a directed connection from a purple node to a pink node will be purple in color
- if grouped by category, connection colors are based on color assigned to a given category
- connections between aggressive behavior nodes are red
- connections between reproductive behavior nodes are green
- connections between aversive behavior nodes are blue
- connections between behavior nodes of different categories are black
- connection widths based on total occurrences across all transitions from a given behavior
- additional legend created for each chain showing corresponding behavior colors and how often the behavior occurred
- graph nodes representing each behavior generated using data from Behavior Dataframe
- markov chain graphs exported as separate jpeg files based on subject, environment, and analysis type
- 4 base analysis graphs
- blue subject - blue env
- blue subject - yellow env
- yellow subject - blue env
- yellow subject - yellow env
- 12 time analysis graphs
- graphs were separated by hour, ignoring any behaviors happening past the 4th hour
- same as base analysis but each one split into 3 graphs
- 2 category analysis graphs
- environment argument unnecessary
- blue subject
- yellow subject
- 4 base analysis graphs
- currently graphs generated use hard coded file inputs, but ideally would be updated to handle custom user input
- loaded each folder of csv files containing relevant data into pandas dataframes for formatting/organization