- Nashville, TN
- Pro
domain-digger Public
Forked from wotschofsky/domain-diggerFull Toolkit for Next-Level Domain Analysis
TypeScript GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJan 25, 2024 -
fast-cosine-similarity Public
Forked from joar/fast-cosine-similarityFast cosine similarity (vector scoring) ElasticSearch 6.4+ Plugin
Java UpdatedAug 29, 2023 -
vue-router-issue Public
Vue router doesn't match params with periods in them
Vue UpdatedJun 9, 2023 -
tier-clone Public
Forked from tierrun/tierThe easiest way to add pricing to your SaaS. Get billing over with.
Go BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedMay 28, 2023 -
stripe-money-format Public
A simple js function to format numbers to stripe's smallest common currency unit format
tf-metal-experiments Public
Forked from tlkh/tf-metal-experimentsTensorFlow Metal Backend on Apple Silicon Experiments (just for fun)
simple-A2C-PPO Public
Forked from rgilman33/simple-A2C-PPOActor-critic trained w PPO on OpenAI's Procgen Benchmark (PyTorch). Built from scratch.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedFeb 1, 2020 -
javascript-algorithms Public
Forked from trekhleb/javascript-algorithms📝 Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings
learnopencv Public
Forked from spmallick/learnopencvLearn OpenCV : C++ and Python Examples
collidoscope Public
Fork of Collidoscope
math-php Public
Forked from markrogoyski/math-phpPowerful modern math library for PHP: Features descriptive statistics and regressions; Continuous and discrete probability distributions; Linear algebra with matrices and vectors, Numerical analysi…
slugify Public
Forked from cocur/slugifyConverts a string to a slug. Includes integrations for Symfony, Silex, Laravel, Zend Framework 2, Twig, Nette and Latte.
murmurhash-php Public
Forked from lastguest/murmurhash-phpPHP userland implementation of MurmurHash3
Probability-Distributions-for-PHP Public
Forked from gburtini/Probability-Distributions-for-PHPPHP implementation of statistical probability distributions: normal distribution, beta distribution, gamma distribution and more.
median-cut Public
Forked from peterblazejewicz/median-cut@paullewis' (a.k.a. aerotwist) work port of median-cut into util page
php-svm Public
Forked from gabrielrcouto/php-svmPure PHP Support Vector Machine
mustache.js Public
Forked from janl/mustache.jsMinimal templating with {{mustaches}} in JavaScript
tflearn Public
Forked from tflearn/tflearnDeep learning library featuring a higher-level API for TensorFlow.
python-machine-learning-book Public
Forked from rasbt/python-machine-learning-bookThe "Python Machine Learning" book code repository and info resource
Spearmint Public
Forked from HIPS/SpearmintSpearmint Bayesian optimization codebase
imagehash Public
Forked from jenssegers/imagehash🌄 Perceptual image hashing for PHP
color-thief-php Public
Forked from ksubileau/color-thief-phpGrabs the dominant color or a representative color palette from an image. Uses PHP and GD or Imagick.
models Public
Forked from tensorflow/modelsModels built with TensorFlow
xdomain-cookies Public
Forked from trilogy-group/contently-xdomain-cookiesA JS lib that provides a mechanism to get/set cookies that can be shared across domains
Regression Public
Forked from mcordingley/RegressionMultiple Regression Package for PHP
slim-oauth2-middleware Public
Forked from chadicus/slim-oauth2-middlewareMiddleware for Using OAuth2 within a Slim Framework API
forex_algotrading Public
Forked from jonromero/forex_algotradingMy Forex algotrading platform in Python - based on my posts at http://jon.io
sumy Public
Forked from miso-belica/sumyModule for automatic summarization of text documents and HTML pages.
data-science-from-scratch Public
Forked from joelgrus/data-science-from-scratchcode for Data Science From Scratch book