A 2D running game built with libGDX.
You can find a tutorial on how this project started here:
- Part 1: Project and World Setup
- Part 2: Main Character and Controls
- Part 3: Enemies
- Part 4: Background Animation
- Part 5: Character Animations
Please, DO NOT publish this same game to Google Play. Use it as a blueprint for your game development
- Runs on Android and desktop
- On Android, uses Google Play Game Services and AdMob
You need to add the following string resources to your Android project in order for the module to compile:
<!-- Google Analytics: Replace placeholder ID with your tracking ID -->
<string name="ga_trackingId">UA-XXXXXXXX-X</string>
App ID generated by Google Play Game Services. Replace placeholder ID with yours
<string name="app_id">XXXXXXXXXXX</string>
Google Play Game Services IDs (achievements, leaderboards). These are the IDs configured
for this particular game and you don't need to set any values for them. For your game you
would have your own achievements, leaderboards, quests and put those strings instead
<string name="achievement_getting_started"></string>
<string name="achievement_like_a_rover"></string>
<string name="achievement_spirit"></string>
<string name="achievement_curiosity"></string>
<string name="achievement_5k_club"></string>
<string name="achievement_10k_club"></string>
<string name="achievement_25k_club"></string>
<string name="achievement_50k_club"></string>
<string name="achievement_10_jump_street"></string>
<string name="achievement_100_jump_street"></string>
<string name="achievement_500_jump_street"></string>
<string name="leaderboard_high_scores"></string>
<!-- Google AdMob Unit ID. Place your ad unit ID here -->
<string name="ad_unit_id"></string>
Developed by William Mora
Powered by libGDX
Graphics by Kenney
Music by Kevin MacLeod
Copyright 2015 William Mora
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.