Our vision is to offer an out-of-box engineering implementation for ASR.
A cpp implementation of recognize-onnx.py in Wenet-asr in which it implements the inference with ONNXRuntime.
For a version of pure CPP code, we need to do a bit of work to rewrite some components.
Special thanks to its original author SlyneD.
Less is more. Less dependency, more usability.
Just offline mode, not support stream mode, aka separate files can be recognized.
QQ Group: 645751008
- Python
- Linux
- Mac
- Android
- Windows
The model is original from wenetspeech/s0 and tested with
. -
Download Bidirectional model
- URL:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1BTR-uR_8WWBFpvOisNR_PA
- Extract code:9xjz
Sample Rate: 16000Hz
Sample Depth: 16bits
Channel: single
- Windows
Visual studio 2019 & cmake 3.20
cd thirdpart
build_win.cmd x86|x64
- Linux
The project is under the protection of GPL V2, Apache license and commercial license.
For so/dll/c++ interface, it complies with GPL V2.
For python interface, it belongs to Apache license.
For a commercial license, please contact us: [email protected] (commercial license only).
For a commercial user, we offer a library to resample input data including mp3, mp4, mkv and so on.
Please visit: https://github.com/RapidAI/RapidAudioKit